Elizabeth Carter P.O.V I am doing laundry and putting Lilly and Lexi down for a nap when John calls for me. I rush down the stairs hoping for some good news after my long tiring day with my new job that I have had for four months training horses. I have saved up a lot more money from a great salary hoping I could get a new horse. I have a sweet little pair of twin girls now. He hands me the phone and tells me who it is. "Hello" I say into the phone. "Hey this is Nick I found three horses and rescued them from from a burning barn." I am interested in what he has to say wondering what he will say next. "One was a light tan with a black mane and tail the other was a golden, yellow and the third light brown with spots." I have no idea who the third horse is but when I hear the description of Asia and Daisy I start squealing and jumping. "THOSE ARE MY HORSES I WILL BE RIGHT OVER TO GET THEM!!!!" I cant stop smiling. "I am so glad they are yours but we need to find them and catch them first." I didn't realize he hadn't caught them yet but they must have been pretty spooked. "OK I will go find them you won't have to worry about it now where was it you saw them." he pauses for a second "You go past Blueberry farms down the road for about 5 minutes and way across the large field you will see the remains of the barn so somewhere around there." A heave a sigh of relief I didn't think I would get them back. "Thank you Bye." he says back "Bye" and I hang up. "John we are going to get Daisy and Asia." I smile and he wraps me in a big hug. "OK can you grab some food from the barn and I will get the two halters and lead ropes." He turns to go then stops "What about the third horse." oh I forgot about that "I guess we could take her get her back in shape and see where it goes from there. "OK if you say so." I walk outside to the barn it has been almost 7 months since I have seen those horses and I miss them so much. I get to the tack room and find Daisy's purple halter and lead and Asia light pink halter with a hot pink lead and head back to the house to call someone to look after the twins for a little while. I ask John to hook up the trailer and if he could drive and he does both.
We are riding down the dirt road I light sprinkle of rain goes on and off once and awhile we pass Blueberry farms and I can't figure out why my horses are not there and I hope they would just give them back to me but I guess we can just clear that up later.
Daisy's P.O.V A car pulls up on the side of the road and it looks familiar could it be Tina and Ryder again I hope not. The three of us are like half a mile away from the road but are still a little antsy. The car starts driving towards us the trailer bouncing on the back. I have no idea what they are going to do next. So I start inching toward the forest. They keep driving closer but they do slow down then they park a little ways off. I could take off into the trees but something inside me tells me not too. I see a face in the car looking back at me and when I find out who it is I run to her leaping and nickering. She gets out of the car and hugs me. Asia comes over too and Elizabeth transfers to her. Coffee is a little hesitant about the new person. We assure her its OK. Our halters are slipped on and they load us into the trailer. Coffee resists a bit and Asia neighs to her where we are. Which gets her too come into the trailer. Then John drives us back to Canter wood I am so excited to see all my old friends. We drive through the gate and down the road and stop beside the barn. I shift around in the trailer I cant wait, just unload us already. The stable hands are standing outside clapping and cheering. They unload Coffee then Asia and Elizabeth comes back and unties me from the trailer and leads me out I am greeted by sunshine and people I can hear the horses from the barn and pastures. Elizabeth leads me too the barn and so much has changed old faces and new ones I greet Lillian and Vanilla and Max and Lucky and Tawny and Austin. Our stalls are still empty and we go back to them Coffee is diagonal from me because that was the only empty stall. Everything is perfect except that we are extremely dirty and have multiple scars and a twisted ankle but other than that I'm great. The crowd disperses and we eat the hay and food that is given to. I get caught up in conversations with Lillian and Austin who has been moved to the stall beside me. They ask where I went and what it was like. I told them about the burning barn and how Tina and Ryder were to busy to take care of us. Then I talked about the herd of wild horses and the beautiful fields filled with wild flowers. When the two had heard the whole story I listened to them retelling their neighbors and eventually the whole barn was buzzing with news of the new horse and our adventures. Elizabeth cleaned us up and brushed us she looked so happy to see us I hadn't seen her smiling face in such a long time. "Now I have to buy you all new tack." She jokes with me Then she bends down to clean my hooves and notices something is wrong with my ankle. When she picks it up an overwhelming sensation of pain comes over me. When I whinny she lets go immediately and I throw my head back. "Hey Amy can you come here a minute." The stable hand rushes over "Yes Elizabeth." She looks back at me "I am worried about these scars and I think her ankle is really bothering her could you call vet so she could check all three of the horses." Elizabeth runs her fingers over my scars. "Yes mam I will be right on it." Amy replies and she leaves my stall and heads to the office. "Guess what girl." I nicker back to Elizabeth. "When you are all better I am going to but a new house with the money I have saved up and I you and your friends can live me and the twins and John and I promise I won't leave you again." I think about this statement and I know she has never broken a promise even the one where she said she would see me again and now I'm here with her.

The life of Daisy
CasualeA young horse has her life planned out for her shows every week prestigious stables and amazing friends, but what happens when her life takes an unexpected turn.