06 Showdown

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Anti freeze spray...check, house size fire extinguisher...check, fire mattress... check, gas mask, check. Metal rod, pliers, tissues, a bunch of sparklers, a pack of matches, check, check and check, a Bunsen burner, dried red peppers, Tabasco sauce, vinegar, Mason jar, check, check and check...bleach, acetone, ice, funnel, glass tube...I mumbled to myself as I went through my 'shopping list'. Normally these things would cost me a hell of a lot, good thing Mi gave me 1k us dollar budget to spend. And I still have plenty left over for myself. During my shopping trip a couple people gave me odd glances but I ignored them. After I was done my shopping spree, It was near sunset, so I best figured to go home and prepare. No, I would rather find somewhere and cook this ruckus up, because I am really not looking forward for the tenant to kick me out for making illegal weapons inside the compartment. Anyway right now the only place I could think of that's safe to make this kind of crap is Mi secret meeting place. Just hopefully I don't end up blowing up her place and myself in the process, and I must pray to God once again, this shit better work.


Ying you are one hell of a badass. I told myself, feeling prouder than ever. Hours had passed in the tunnel, but I really couldn't tell the difference. All I know is that when I entered the tunnel it was still in the early afternoon, but by the time I exited the tunnel it was already night. I got up, stretched and headed out of the sky train station, feeling more confident than ever. To face the twins, what a glorious task. I got on a train that took me all the way from my part of the town to Area 8. It didn't really look any different from the part of town I came from: clustered apartments, people busying away their lives, and an awful lot of university students like me. This was home to the Ragnarok sisters and I was on their territory. And that means I cannot let me guard down for a single second. I assume the twins have spies and lookouts around here so it won't take them long to come and find me. Or I can initiate first...

"Eji." I muttered under my breath.

One of the bonus perks of my special ability is that it can be used to detect targets by picking up their thoughts from a distance. I will humbly brag give it about a humble 500 meter radius detection range. But doing so I have to be still for a period of time and would require extreme concentration. My target this time is the Ragnarok sisters, and in order to find out their location I first must know what they are thinking. Now comes the hard part. Knowing what the target is thinking is the most crucial part for this ability to work. With my lack of understanding of the Ragnarok sisters, it would be hard for me to pick up their thoughts so the best I could do is guess. Let's see what would a pair of twins with terrifying power such as creating fire and ice out of thin air think about? Hmm...burning people to death? Freezing people to death? I closed my eyes and concentrated for a moment, and turned up with nothing. Let's try again...oh yeah, besides guessing what they were thinking I could also search for intentions towards me. To doing that there must be a keyword...

my dearest sister...

Aurora: "my dearest sister Aine what shall we do to track down this pest escape earlier?"

Aine: "Track him down of course! My dearest sister, we can track down his home or just simply let him come to us!"

Aurora: "I see my dearest sister that is a genius plan! But what happens if he comes for us first?"

Aine: "That is the last thing I expect, but if that does happen, then I will just simply burn him until not even ashes are left!"

Bingo...and I really didn't need to hear all of that; especially the part where they called me a pest. Wait until I get my hands on them, and show those little bitches who's the real boss...which will be soon enough. Judging from the last place where I picked their thoughts, they weren't really that far away from me, in fact they were dangerously close. They were roughly a hundred meters away from me. Right now people were leaving work to go home or hit the bar. That meant there were a significant amount of people on the street. I hoped that no one would get hurt and well, if someone did get hurt then I guess it sucks for them. But regardless of the surroundings right now, I had to be the first one to initiate the fight. If I don't then I would have to run away, and this time I don't know if I can outrun them again since I bet they know their own turf way better than I do.

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