17 Splitting Up

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The moment I step inside, the first thing that came to my mind is: How the f*** do you even live in a place this big?

The inside expands into a hallway so large, it reminds me of a chapel. The marble tiles that laid on the floor were polished so fine, they might as well been mirrors. And right above our heads, was a huge golden chandelier with thousands of tiny crystal angels hanging onto it for dear life.

"Ben Arrivata! My friends!" a voice echoed deeply out of nowhere. And as a response, 4 pairs of eyes dodged around like flies, trying to find the source of the voice. Perhaps we were over reacting, but then again as a mortal reminder we are on enemy territory, so none less the reason to be cautious.

"Relax, my friends. It is only I, Francisco Amelia, your fantastic host has to come greet you all." The voice reflected through the hallway again, except this time it was much clearer and easier to categorise; his voice was very high pitched, kind of a combination between a male tenor and a self-crazed narcissist.

It wasn't long after that he finally stepped into view, we were are all bracing ourselves for this moment, not knowing what was in store of us. As we heard the footsteps turning around the corner, the room went pitch black so brief, I didn't even have the time to panic, the action was immediately replaced with familiar Orchestra music, mixed with dub-step and a giant disco ball throwing all multitudes of colors at us. Honestly I was gonna get seizure if I stayed in that room for one more second, all I recall was hearing a loud snap, and everything just seemed to stop all of a sudden. The disco ball was nowhere to be seen and the horrible music remix was gone. The room was at peace again, but now we had a bigger problem in front of us. At first sight of him, there was a certain tenseness, but there is little to no doubt the man standing before us was our target. He stood around 6ft tall, he wore a slim white tuxedo to go with his super slim built, long straight business face, small red ribbon bow tie, white top hat and white leather gloves, some visible black hair on the side and possibly bald in the center, and a golden monocle covering one of emerald green eyes, last and not least, on his chin sat a thin black moustache that twirls on the end, that just makes people want to un-twirl it...

"Sorry about the grand entrance, forgive me for having a swag overdose." He said, twirling the end of his moustache.

"..." yep, for the first time the 4 of us was able to reach and unanimous collective response. Expectation for this guy has just hit a new level of low, from the beginning I thought we were going to be up against, a blood thirsty, power hungry monster that will shoot people off the bat, but instead what we got was this narcissistic middle age man that acts like a 14 year old, who thinks dub step mixed with orchestra is cool, and says he got a 'swag overdose', honestly I rather kill myself if I said something like that.

"I am going to be serious now," he said waving a finger at us as he walks towards us at the same time, "I am very pleased to meet you all, however the dinner party doesn't start for another 5 hours...so in the meantime, you all wouldn't mind having a cup of tea and chat?"

Yoshino who looked ready to burst, stepped up and pointed a finger at him and said:

"We don't have time for your games; we came here for one thing only!"

"No need to scream Signora, and what will that be?"

"To kick your ass, of course!" Yoshino said, making a fist with one hand.

"Such temper, b**** please, too much swag for you."

Woah, S*** about to get real. The color from Yoshino face changed from her normal color 'cross me and I will break your bone' into bright red meaning 'I will f***ing beat you into meat sauce'. And if you ask me, I was more than ok if she straight up beat the crap out of this narcissist 14 year old acting douche, but that would also mean we will most likely get pulled into the fight, and possibly winding up dead. And since the beginning of his entrance, something just doesn't seem quite right, why did he try to provoke Yoshino? Doesn't he know she could easily destroy the entire complex? Where did his confidence come from? Unless...then it came to me, and kind of like a mystery drama, sometimes you just can't help but blur out the answer:

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