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In the end the decision was that I would be Aurora's servant for the morning and afternoon, and Aine personal chef whenever she felt hungry. I moved into their house immediately, and saw what they meant by 'a little short on staff'. Apparently I was their only servant at the moment.

"Our last servant left last week, she kept on complaining about how Aine almost set her on fire three times in the past week." Aurora shrugged, as we began to ascend the steps.

"Hey! She was annoying! And you said the same thing about her too!" Aine complained.

by the time we stopped in front of the doorway it was dark. I could tell it was quite a large mansion, though not as impressive as Mi's mansion. But still it was quite a formidable size.

"So it's just the two of you living alone in a house like this?" I asked the twins.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Aurora turned and answered.

My heart skipped a beat. Back in my teenage years, I had never thought of sleeping in a girl's house. It just seemed too good and far from the average reality. But now it's a reality, and though I never thought it could work this way, the situation remained the same. The circumstances were far beyond my wildest imagination though.

"Why are you standing there like that? Quickly get in." Aine snapped.

Yep, almost forgot. No matter how cute the twins were on the outside, their powers could easily wipe me off the face of the earth with zero effort. My life was truly on tightropes...let's just hope I live through tonight.

Once we were inside, I was led by the twins to my room. It was probably the smallest crappy room in the mansion, but still it was 10 times better they my old s***** apartment I was living in the day before yesterday. I honestly didn't have any luggage to take with me, so when I left all I had with me was my backpack with all my junk. Well I wasn't really complaining, this was like a free upgrade in living standards; but my life was also put into parallel. Before the twins left me alone, Aurora stopped by the door way and said to me:

"Remember to change into your servant uniform first thing tomorrow morning, then you will knock on my door at 8:00am, but you have to wake up at 7:00am and make the breakfast first. After all that you will do our laundry and all of that must be washed by hand. After you are done with the laundry...you should go and wake up Aine, but remember, never wake her up before noon, otherwise she will get very edgy. After that, you will accompany us outside as our personal servant until we come back for dinner. You will then make dinner accordingly to our demands. Afterwards you will prepare our baths, Aine wants her to be completely hot water, and I want mine to be completely cold water. And remember to bring the towels, after that you will help make our beds, before we prepare for sleep and that's about everything...do you remember everything I just said?"

"...Yes..." I answered, though I swear I was having trouble staying awake through all that.

"Good. My sister and I will retreat to our chambers now. Good night." Aurora turned and shut the door quietly behind her.

Honestly, at this rate I should just find a noose and hang myself. But then I told myself: It will only be brief, it won't take much longer for them to look up to me and beg to be my servant...huehuehue...Ok, probably not happening. Yeah I should probably just save my energy and get some sleep; got a whole schedule in front of me tomorrow. I set my phone's alarm to 7:00am tomorrow morning and without changing, I collapsed on the bed and instantly fell asleep...


The whole servant experience was even worse than I thought; I woke up 7am in the morning, which I was OK with, but getting into the servant dress was just simply torture. I swear the collar of the dress was designed for a scarecrow or something. I don't see any way for a human to get into it. Afterwards I had to undo two buttons and still it was hot and uncomfortable. Afterwards I went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. There was a billboard where it writes what they want to eat, it looked like some simply stuff, like bacon, eggs, toast and milk. Yet each step that was written was complicated as hell. So I did my best, and after a million failed samples and almost blowing up the kitchen twice, I managed to get the breakfast done. I then had to go upstairs and knock on Aurora door. The first time I knocked, there was no response, so I just simply let it be, as she told me she only wanted me to call her once. Afterwards, I just left the breakfast on the table hot and steamy, and left to do the laundry. The first thing I noticed was there was a mountain heap of clothes separated into two piles. And it was pretty obvious to tell which one was Aurora's and which one was Aine's. But all the clothes were identical the one they wear every day. I didn't know what to say. But the most questionable aspect of the laundry was washing their underwear. Honestly I even question myself if I should even be doing this in the first place...so yeah I did wash their panties...afterwards I went up Aine's room to wake her up, but on remembering the horror stories of what happened to previous servant who almost burned for trying to wake her up, I took all the precautions possible and knocked on her door quickly once then took off right afterwards...and afterwards...well I feel like there is going to be no end to this, so I am just going to stop there. So yeah that basically sums up my typical shitty morning, and here I am now, escorting the twins on their "Afternoon walk". Basically that is me holding up a sun umbrella and following them wherever they go. They stop for coffee and tea and tea and coffee one after another. That strengths my theory that the twins stomach were attached to a bottomless pit or something. After 6 tea and coffee shops, we came walking by the streets when suddenly a motor cycle (the Harley Davidson kind), pulled up and stopped beside us.

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