16 The Arrival

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It was around the usual time in the morning for me to knock on Aurora's door, and before I could even lay a finger on her door. The door swung towards me so suddenly, I literally jumped back to avoid being crushed. But as I soon saw the figure standing at the doorway, my eyes stuck to it like permanent glue.

Every time she moved in her dress, it seemed as if she was wading through a lake of sapphire, with a thousand bright crystals drifting in her wake. Her hair was perfectly woven and done, and she wore glass slippers like the ones in Cinderella, except it looked even more elegant on her.

"Ahem, it's rude to stare at a lady like that." She said gingerly.

Beautiful. Was the first thing that came to my mind, and I probably didn't realize I accidently let it slip through my tongue, until I saw surprise written all over Aurora face, and once she seem to fully register what I just said, her face turned pink and looked away momentarily. Aware of what I just said myself, my cheeks began to burn, but I did my best to not show it. When she turn to meet my eyes again, her expression turned back to neutral as if that never happened. Not knowing how to respond and kind of light headed at the same time, Aurora seized the chance as she gently pushes me aside and walked straight past me. My eyes followed her for a couple more steps before suddenly coming to a halt and said:

"My dear servant, could you make haste with our breakfast, while I see to the struggles of my dearest sister with her dress."

I watch as she brushes her hair aside in a way that made my heart skip a beat, and it left my eyes hanging all the way until her shadow disappears around the next corner.

Breakfast. I thought. And no more distractions.


"Here." I said setting down two full hot plates of pancakes.

"Syrup is right on the table, same with the salt and pepper. And feel free to help yourselves with everything else, ladies." I said, rolling my eyes in my head.

"We appreciate your service, servant." Aurora regarded me coldly, which I purposely looked way until her eyes drew attention to somewhere else. And that's when I looked across the table and noticed Aine dress; very in contrast to Aurora dress, her dress was long and sparkly except it was in red instead, it was beautiful, but not enough to move me to be honest. Mostly due because of the impression of her daily habits and manners just doesn't seem to make the cut.

"The car should arrive soon now; I best recommend you all too quickly scrap up your plate. We may leave at the very moment." Aurora said, as she wiped her mouth in a gentle in lady-like way, whereas Aine just kept full on stuffing her mouth with food and fully utilizing both hands when it comes to grabbing.

"Car? I don't recall you mentioning anything about a car yesterday..." I asked.

"Do you seriously expect ladies like us to walk there by foot?" Aurora said with an edge, as she mumbled something about men being dimwits.

"My bad, forget what I just said." I said, raising both hands up in surrender.

Aurora looked as if she was about to say more, but was cut off by the doorbell before she could say another word.

"Well, it seems our ride has arrived. My dear sister Aine, allow me to assist you on getting rid of that smear on your face." And when Aurora meant that, she meant by literally grabbing a cloth from the table and began scrubbing her sister's face like a dirty plate. I watch helpless on one side as Aine squealed and quivered like a livestock that was about to be killed. By the time she let go, Aine face was speck clean with a grumpy stare.

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