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In there, time felt still.

My eyes has not yet open, it was hard to tell, because all I felt was blank. My body felt like drifting on silky blankets of water, but I didn't feel the least bit wet.

Strange. My thought echoed with perfect synchronization across the blank space. I couldn't care less at that time; that a thought in my head was just vocally echoed across the air without the slightest movement of my lips, because even thinking felt exhausting. I guess this goes to show a whole new level of lazy for me. I let out a groan, and feeling neglect for the rest of my conscience I let myself sink deeper, all the way until I felt this sensation hit me on the back of my head. It was a sensation I never felt before, it had the touch of a pair of soothing summer breeze, accompanied with the aroma of the new born jasmine of spring. Then there was the voice:


It's, no her words were deep as the abyss yet sweet as honey. But together they were as alluring as a cheese to a mouse.

I felt the urge to open my eyes and look, but her words overcame me like a spell, the kind that was casted over sleeping beauty, the one where the handsome prince will come and wake her up with a kiss...and if the owner of the voice was just as beautiful as her voice, I will walk over a mile of scattered of Lego to prove my love. (It was a limited time offer)


Her voice was so mesmerizing, yet so soothing and distant. All of a sudden I felt the need to stay, if I say no now, I will lose the opportunity forever. My rationality told me I still had a family back in reality, the twins and Yoshino to look out for, even Francisco who might retaliate and take revenge. But at that moment none of it seems to matter to me, I only wanted release, I was done with curiosity, I was finally able to find peace it seems, for the first time. That moment reality seems millions of galaxy away from me, the tapestry of mankind history fading away into the night, the world set on fire and drowned with agonizing screams and all this was diminished by the darkness opening up from the center swallowing the universe as a whole, and thank you, I am not on pipe. This was all real, but at the same time it didn't matter to me now, I mean they used to, but now more than anything I just want to get out of that world. I know it sounds selfish, but its truth, and I am not ashamed to admit it. Because for all my life, I been kind of an idiot and occasional troll, always thinking for my own benefits, because deep down there is something scarier, I felt the world owes me more, and I felt this debt will never be repaid, the thought of me sounding more like a villain then a hero right now just shows who I am. The world owes me, and I felt like this decision I made was my way of collecting debt, it was my right to. I felt no shame, only relief...

Within the blankness of the space, I nodded back slightly.


This was really it, I was going to say good bye to the world. The royals and their backstabbing games, the legendary tale of a demon, a psychopath and an android escaping to the end of the world, an Asian billionaire falling in love with a cross dressing guy, the councillors staring down from their thrones laughing at mortal affairs, the Archangel once again descending onto earth...and now, the city where no fog exists, where foes were battled, alliances made, business contended in the darkness, the place where I loved, fought and will never forget.

I smiled. Then faded.  

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