Chapter One

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Mullen pov

The sun was shinning brightly, which was odd for a day in London. Its always rainy and dewy, but the sun is a nice change. I haven't really seen the sun much since I left America.

I sat up in bed and groaned, every muscle in my body sore from the heavy workout I did last night. I realised that I'd forgotten to close my blinds before I went to bed last night. I sighed as I lifted myself off my bed and walked over to close the blinds. The liking for the sun gone now. I coughed as I walked over to my door and opened it, the cold air of the hallway hitting my bare feet. I shivered as I pulled my sweater tighter around my shoulders. It was one of the coldest winters London has ever had.

The house was quiet, I shared it with my sister and she always has people over, being the the big singer she is she has a lot of friends. Me, I don't have much, I'm the quiet one, the one that nobody cares to talk to. She's the one everyone loves, even our parents. Kara, my sister was always the achiever, she got trophies and metals, my brother was on the varsity football team, now he plays in the NFL (National Football League, in America) but me, I was the nerdy band and choir kid with issues nobody cared about. Alright, alright enough about me.

I walked out to the living room and grabbed the remote, flicking on the TV. The news was on and it was talking about the presidential election coming up in America, between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. I groaned in discussed and threw the remote on the couch, someone let out a yelp and sat up. I jumped back and shrieked "what the fuck?!" I yelled, the boy looked up at me, with wide blue eyes and bright orange hair. I knew this guy, I suddenly felt uncomfortable. "Um, uh I'm uh sorry I woke you" I said looking back up at the TV, Donald Trump was talking about Global Warming. "Oh um no, its ok, you didn't know I was here, which makes this a million times more awkward" he said under his breath. I cleared my throat, he stood up and held out his hand "Ed Sheeran" he said and I nodded, taking his hand "I know" I said "shit, sorry Mullen Adams" I said and he laughed "nice to meet you, your Kara's sister?" He asked and i nodded "how do you know Kara?" I asked "we're dating, she didn't tell you?" He asked and I shook my head "no she didn't, but whatever you must be hungry" I said and he nodded "starved."

We went to the kitchen and I grabbed a pan and the eggs from the fridge. "Were you out partying last night? Are you guys hungover?" I asked and he shook his head "I'm not, I don't know about Kara, she got pretty drunk last night" he said, I cracked the egg on the edge of the pan "yup, that's Kara" I laughed.

Once the eggs were done I had to get ready for work "here, these are done for you, I have to get going" I said "wait, where are you going?" He asked "work" I said walking back to my room. I'm a choreographer for movies, music, videos, I even danced as one of Justin Bieber's backup dancers. I grabbed my gym bag and rushed out of my room "whoa, slow down there sparky" Kara said walking out of her room "can't, gotta get to work" I said, pushing past her.

"Wait!" She said, grabbing my wrist making my hiss in pain "you know about Ed don't you?" She asked, completely oblivious to the pain she is causing the fresh cut on my wrist. I nodded and pulled my wrist away, damn Kara can be really blind sometimes, not that I want her to know I self harm. "Please don't be mad" she said "why would I be?" I asked. "Because I didn't tell you, I know I should have" she rambled "K, its fine, I really have to get going can we talk about this later?" I asked and she nodded "have fun" she chirped, smiling "yeah, ok"

I sighed as I turned my car off in front of the dance studio, it wasn't busy today, I just have to give this girl a lesson, then I can go home.

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