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I really am useless at this. I don't know why you still read this but if you do thank you!! well I guess here is the next chapter. you guys are Amazing!!!!

Ebony's POV (well this is new!)

"Shhhhh!" You know that stage of sleep where you are asleep but you kinda of hear things. Yeah I hate that but sleep is needed. Those girls I swear.


I shot straight up to a loud and annoying Savannah jumping on my bed with a guitar singing my absolute favorite song(insert sarcasm here). Alexia was on the floor actually rolling around clothing her stomach dieing of laughter.

"WTF!? Was that necessary!!??!" I yelled at Savannah making her singing stop. "Ah Fudge!! My head!!" I clutched my head in the palm of my hands and dug my head into the pillow.

"Well it is your fault for getting so wasted! not ours!" Alexia told me while sitting on the end of my bed.

"Hey! Don't just scold me!! Savannah was even more drunk than I was!!" my head still in the pillows making my words muffled. The girls still understand me though.

"Yes this is true but you get the worst hangovers EVER!" Savannah emphasis' while checking her self out in the full length mirror in the corner of my room.

"Oh that's right. Fuck you Savannah and your ability to never get hangovers!" I tried rolling over but got blocked by Alexia who had made herself quite comfortable on my bed. I just mumbled AMD rolled back over.

"Yeah that's right cause the hangovers are like 'Woah! She to cool for us! We better leave!' you know what I mean" By now she had made her way over to the closet and was making a right mess.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with this girl.

"Whatever. I need food and panadol." I made my way up extremely slowly. Lex and Savannah looked at each other, thier eyes having thier own conversation. They started walking towards the door and as they were about to walk out Savannah turned around and spoke the words no one wants to hear........."We had nandos already." A look of disbelief, anger and pure hatred spread across my face. The girls ran down the hall with me close on thier tale. I saw lex pick up her bag on the run.

As we got to the lounge Lex ran to the door while shouting a goodbye.

"Where are you Savannah!?!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I ran to the kitchen and sure enough there she was on the phone. As I ran in I slipped on some water obviously left from the other girls, most likely Savannah. Pig.

Savannah tried to hold in a laugh while the person on the other line spoke. I wonder who it was?

Savannah's POV

"....tonight at 5?" the person spoke.

I was nervous to say the least. I mean, would they listen? Would everything be ruined? Why did they call me now? Of all times. I got so lost in my own thoughts I almost forgot to answer.

"Ohhh..ahh..yeah sure. See you then." I quickly hung up the phone without hearing thier response.

"Who was that?" Ebony questioned obviously forgetting her previous mission to kill me.

"You will never guess who that was. I could give you a million guesses."

I spoke calmly but on the inside I'm not quite sure what I was feeling. Was it fear? Nervousness? Happiness? Was I excited?

"Was it....." Ebony asked slowly and unsure of her answer but before she could say anything as if she knew that I knew who she was going to say. Which I am positive I knew.

"Yep. I just don't know why?"

OHHHHH! CLIFFHANGER!! Who was Savannah on the phone too? Why might she be scared? well you are gonna have to wait and see now aren't you?? Hahaha anyway again you guys are amazing and beautiful! Love ya!

Heidi XOXO

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