4~The truth comes out

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*5 Weeks later*

<<Caitlyn’s POV>>

I woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach. Before I could wonder what was going on it felt like everything inside me twisted and I ran to my bathroom and throw up. I was now living in a flat together with my best friend Lucy and I moved out of my old home about 4 weeks ago. Our new flat in London was just amazing, we had so much luck. I was still throwing up when I felt Lucy’s hands on my back, drawing small circles. As I was finished I brushed my teeth. I could feel Lucys Eyes on me and as I turned around she was looking intensely at me. “What?” I said. “Nothing” she replied. Weird. I walked into our small kitchen and began to make me a toast. First I put Nutella on it. But then I had the feeling that it would taste delicious together with pickles and uuum yeah and small sausages. I was excited to eat it. Lucy walked in as I was taking a huge bite but as soon as she saw what I was eating she looked disgusted. “What the Hell are you eating Cathy?” she asked me.

“This is so delicious wanna try it Lu?” I asked her.

“No thanks cathy…uum since when are you liking prickles anyway..?” I shrugged.

After I had finished Ifelt to eat Nutella with a spoon. So I grabbed the Nutella and a spoon and sat beside Lucy on our couch. When she saw me she frowned. “Enough is enough Cathy!” she said.

“What?” I asked her. “I know I am probably sounding like a mother but Cathy… Did you use protection last time?” I immediately knew what she meant. I had realized that I was over date but I never thought about that I thought that I was too stressed or things like that.

“I-I do-on’t know Lu” I stuttered. As if it was a sign I jumped up and ran to my bathroom. Lucy held me hair again and after I had finished she hugged me. “I’ll go get you a test kay hun?” She asked me. All I could do was nod.

The 20 minutes she was gone felt like hours but when she finally gave me the test I felt so nervous. I done what I had to do and after that I set the timer for 3 minutes. When it beeped I opened my eyes and saw the test.

Positive (+)

And with that I began to cry on my bathroom floor.

The bathroom door flung open and Lucy walked in. When she saw me her facial expression changed from concentrated and worried to shocked. She grabbed the test and as she saw the result she embraced me in a hug. “Shhhss everything is going to be alright Cathy” She mumbled in my hair while she whipped us both back and forwards. I just cried onto her chest. How will I tell that my parents? How will I tell Harry? He is not even available for a relationship how will he become a dad? I am going to have a child with no dad. I sobbed hysterically. Lucy grabbed my shoulders. “Caitlyn! Stop it! It will be alright! We just have a few weeks left before we graduate! Nobody will even notice that you are pregnant! So calm down girl!” She said that as if she wasn’t only convincing me, it was like she was convincing herself too. I stopped crying and we both sat there.

“Do you know who the dad is?” She asked quietly. I nodded. “Who?” she asked.

“Harry” I mumbled. “Harry Styles”. Her eyes became bigger and bigger and she looked shocked.

“Wha-whaaat?” She stuttered. I nodded again. She just hugged me. That was the last thing I had expected.

“We have to go to the doctors Cathy, just to be Shure” she said in a calm voice. I nodded.

“Let’s  just cuddle up in front of the TV what do you think about that huu?” Lucy asked me and pulled me up from the floor.

We both cuddled under blankets in front of the TV. Lucy had made me hot chocolate and it was sooo delicious. I decided to text Harry when I had the picture from the doctor that I am really pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. Me? A Mom?

We watched TV for a while until I stood up and gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek. I walked to my room and made me ready for bed. As soon as my face touched my bed I drifted off to sleep.

The next Day I was woken up by Lucy.

“Cathy get up you have the doctor’s appointment in 2 hours!” I groaned … but wait! What? The appointment is at 4 in the afternoon.

“What time is it?” I asked Lucy. “It is 2 o’clock. You’ve slept for over 12 hours Cathy” 12 hours? Weird.

I wanted to respond something but my stomach flipped and I ran to my toilet. This was getting on my nerves! After that I dressed myself in a legging and a big hoodie from the Hard Rock Café Berlin. I pu on my uggs and applied some make up. I grabbed my grey scarf and my grey cardigan and walked to our kitchen. I made myself a toast with cheese and skittles because I felt like it. After Lucy gave me an disgusted look she quickly left the kitchen and waited in the living room. We drove to the doctors together and I was nervous as hell.

After I waited what felt like hours I finally laid in a white room with Lucy sitting next to me.

The doctor a friendly looking woman with blonde hair and green eyes greeted me and used lifted up my shirt. “This is gonna be cold” she said and smiled warmly at me.

I jumped a bit because the gel was really cold and she chuckled. “Told you” she said.

I was distracted by a loud pounding noise. “Soo you baby seems really healthy this is the heartbeat and thiiiiss…. This is your baby” She said and pointed to the screen. I hadn’t even realized that I had been crying until I felt Lucy’s fingers in my face. “Can I have a picture?” I asked her and she nodded. “I have to ask this but are your parents informed?” She asked me. I mumbled “no…”

“Is abortion an option for you?” she asked me. I thought about that for 5 seconds. “No” I asnweared again. “Okay next time I hope you’ll have told it your parents Caitlyn. Good Luck” and with that she left the room after she handed me the picture. Lucy and I walked outside and I decided to text Harry:

TO: Harry

Harry it’s Caitlyn. We need to talk I have something to tell you. It is important.


I almost thought that that wasn’t the right way but then I received a message from Harry:

FROM: Harry

Hey Cat let’s meet somewhere so you can tell me whatever it is. Do you have time now? I am not busy today. Hazxx

I quickly replied to him and told Lucy about it.

TO: Harry

Let’s meet at the café on your street in half an hour

FROM: Harry

Shure thing love, see ya

Lucy said she could drive me and so I was 10 minutes to early. I sat in a chair in the background of the café and waited. After 5 minutes a handsome looking guy with beanie and sunglasses walked in. He looked around and locked eyes with me. Then he walked over and sat down.

“Cat it’s good to see you again” Harry spoke up and smiled at me:

“Hey Harry” I said and tried to smile.

“Soo what’s the matter love?” he asked me. I couldn’t reply so I just grabbed the picture from the doctor’s appointment and handed it to him. First he looked confused the shocked. He moved his head back up and looked at me.

“You are pregnant?” he asked. I nodded.

“From me?” he asked. I nodded again.

“No doubt” he said now quieter than before. I just nodded again and Harry stood up.

AN: Thank you so so so so MUCH for over 400 reads on Once Again ♥ This is making me so happy ♥

A meaningful Mistake - Harry Styles Fanfiction *on hold but will be continued!*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt