11~More real

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<<Caitlyn’s POV>>

I was cuddling with Harry on the sofa for a While when my mobile started buzzing. We had just finished dinner and were now looking Tv, Harrys arms arround me. First we just continued because I was too lazy to get up. But it wasn’t stopping so I stood up and had a Look.

(5) New messages from: Lucy <3

(6) new messages from: Momma

As I was about to click on the first message, my phone beeped again and a new message opened up.

from: Momma


What is my mum talking about? Harry stood up and walked over to me. He rested his head on my head and laid his hands on my bump. “What is it love?” he asked.

“Dunno” I replied and began to read the messages.

from Lucy <3

we have a problem Cath! Ur mom just saw the pics on our fridge!

from Lucy <3

This is serious she is freaking out

from Momma


from Momma


from Lucy <3

What the hell should I do??!?

And it went on like that. I didn’t know what I should do. I didn’t really want to go back to meet my furious parents. But I couldn’t let Lucy be all on her own.

“Cat?” Harry asked beside me and kissed my temple. “Hmm” I replied.

“What is it love?” he asked and looked worried.

“My parents showed up at my flat and they’ve seen the appointment pictures on my fridge and now the y are freaking out cause I haven’t told them and..” I rambled but I was stopped with Harrys lips.

“It will be fine Cat. I’ll be there with you and we can make this together. Let’s go then” He said and helped me up. I immediately calmed down when Harry kissed me. We sat in the car and drove to my flat. I couldn’t stop to bounce my leg up and down because I was nervous as hell. Will the shout at me? Course they will…!

“Love” Harry said from beside me and my head snapped to him. “Please stop it. It will be fine.” He gave me reassuring smile and grabbed my hand. We pulled up in front of my flat and he helped me out of the car. This little bump is already no fun cause I can’t really move anymore and I am not even half way through it.

We walked hand in hand upstairs and I opened my door. Lucy rushed to me as soon as she heard it and hugged me.

“They are crazy Cath. Be careful” she whispered and looked me in the eyes. Uh-oh. This could be fun then, if they are really mad.

I leaned on Harry and he put one of his arms around my waist. Like that we walked inside the living room, Lucy behind us.

My Mom was standing in the Middle of the living room with her back to me. My Dad sat on the couch and the pictures were laying on the table in front of him.

As soon as my dad saw me his eyes went wide and he starred at my bump. My mum turned around and did the same. “Now it is definitely real” my dad said and my mum nodded at his word before she began to yell very unfriendly things.

It went like that for a while until Harry beside me spoke up.

“That’s enough” he simply said. My mum stopped in her speech about how she didn’t thought me like that and that she had thought better of me and starred at him. “Sorry?” she said.

“I said: Enough is enough” Harry said and I felt a bit better that he was standing up for me.

My mom was looking like somebody just slapped her. But then she began to yell at him.

“Who do you think you are to say something like that? Who are you even? Wait you are that boy from the pictures in Caitlyn’s room aren’t you? ” and I bet she could’ve went like that for hours if I didn’t speak up.

“Mom that is Harry. I don’t know when you were in my room but he is my boyfriend and the father of this child. I love him and if you want to say anything bad against him or my child you can go” I said and I was surprised how confident I had sounded. Harry besides me looked proud at me and I even felt better. My mum just looked at me with her mouth open.

“You young lady are very rude to talk like that with your mother! It isn’t me who was too stupid to use a condom so don’t be angry at me!” she shouted and I felt the anger boil up inside me.

“I am not angry at you because I have a child inside me! I am angry because you are so rude! I am happy here with or without you! I don’t need somebody who isn’t supporting me at all! And Harrys family was much more nicer to me that you are at the moment Mother! So if you don’t want it like that, GO! Go and leave because I am happy like that!” I shouted and Harry beside me grabbed my waist a bit more protective. He rubbed small circles with his thumb and I immediately felt myself calm down a bit. My mum looked at us. Then she grabbed her bag and stormed outside.

“Well that is my sign then” My dad spoke up for the first time and stood up. He walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. He shook Harrys hand and said “Sorry for her, if you are making her happy you are probably a nice guy”. I was shocked. My dad never said things like that. But I felt better now, that at least one of my parents had shown a bit manner.

Harry nodded and with that, my dad left.

Harry kissed my temple and mumbled “You okay Cat?” I nodded and hugged him. “Thanks Harry” I mumbled against his chest.

“For what?” he asked. “For being here” I answered and he chuckled.

“No problem cat. Are you hungry? We could go eat something…?” he asked and I felt hungry. I was carving big macs! “Can we please go to Mc Donald’s Haz?” I asked and looked up to him. He smiled and with that we left the flat hand in hand.

~AN: Helloo! I am soooo sorry that I haven't updated in Years! I really am! I was just realy busy with school and crap like that :/ So because AN are annoying as hell I'll keep that short. I'll try to update next time a bit sooner and I just wanted to thank you guys for all the reads, votes and comments ♥ You are amazing *o* Love ya!~

A meaningful Mistake - Harry Styles Fanfiction *on hold but will be continued!*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt