8~The appointment and his Family

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<<Caitlyins POV>>

The next morning I was woken by my annoying alarm. I groaned and tuned around to shut it down. I closed my eyes again to sleep a bit more, but I jumped out of bed when I saw my clock. It was already half past eleven! Harry will be here in an hour! “Shit” I muttered to myself and jumped out of bed. Bad idea… The sudden movements made my stomach flip and I sprinted to the bath. This whole pregnancy thing is getting on my nerves!

 After I had thrown up, I quickly took a shower and dressed myself. I wasn’t only going to the doctors; I would meet Harry’s family! Otherwise I would probably just go in my sweatpants… But I had to look good, so I decided to wear my blue skinny jeans with a white pullover with a blue “Y” on it. As I put on my jeans, I realized that they were tighter as usual. Well seems like I have to go shopping soon. I decided to let my blond hair in its natural curls and just put a blue bandana on. I applied some make up because I was really looking pale and checked myself one last time in the mirror. I was looking okay.

 I glanced at my clock, I had 10 minutes left. I grabbed my purse, my blue vans and my leather jacket and walked to the living room. I quickly made myself a toast and put Nutella with Oreos on it, just because I felt like it. The doorbell rang as I put on my Vans and I walked to the door finally ready. I had left Lucy a note, saying that I was at the appointment and later at Harry’s family house so I’ll be back late. Harry was standing there, leaned against his car waiting for me. When he saw me, his face lit up and he embraced me in a tight hug.

“Hello love” he said and your heart immediately began to beat faster. “Hey” I mumbled. “Shall we go?” he asked and opened the door for me. I nodded and giggled and sat down. He closed the door and walked around the car, sat down himself and started the engine. After he had finally found the address we rushed hand in hand inside, luckily no paparazzi’s could be seen. I approached the front desk and spoke up.

“Hello my name is Caitlyn Butlers, I have a appointment today” I said politely, while harry laid his arm around my waist. The woman behind the desk began to search in her computer until she finally nodded. “You can go to room 4, the doctor will be there soon” she said and pointed to her left. We thanked her and walked to the door with the blue 4 on it. I laid down and Harry sat in a chair beside me.

Harry began to bounce up and down with his leg. “Harry?” I said and his head snapped over to me. “Everything alright?” I continued. “Yeah just a bit nervous that’s all” Harry said and smiled at me. The door flung open and a the doctor walked in. She was my doctor for years now.

“Caitlyn nice to see you! Is everything alright?” she asked while she closed the door behind her. “Yeah” I replied and she gave me a warm smile. “Did you bring the father today?” She asked me and walked over to Harry. A smile appeared on my lips and I nodded. Harry stood up and they both shook hands.

After that she sat in her chair beside me and took the blue gel out. “Will be cold first, sorry” she mumbled and applied it to my stomach. After that she moved the wand around and after a few moments of silence a loud noise filled the room. “That is the heartbeat of your baby” The doctor spoke up and I felt my eyes tear up. I couldn’t believe there was a small little human in my tummy. I saw Harry stand up and he walked over to me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. I looked up to him and he had tears in his eyes also. “And that is your baby” the doctor said and pointed to the blur on the monitor. “By the look of it you are about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant. Here you can see the head and here the rest of the body. Your little one seems perfectly fine and good growing, it looks very good.” The doctor said and Harry leaned forward while she pointed to the screen. “I guess you want to have pictures?” the doctor spoke up and Harry and I nodded. “Also a video?” she asked and I looked to Harry. He nodded and the doctor smiled while she wiped the gel of my stomach.

 “Okay Caitlyn, we will see us again in about 1 and a half moth for the next check, I will print the pictures and everything and will give them to my personal at the front desk. See you both soon” and with that she left the room.

I sat up and stood up. Harry hugged me tight and left a light kiss on my lips. “I am becoming a dad” he mumbled into my ear. We both stood there, crying because of our pure happiness. After a while Harry grabbed my hand and we walked to the front desk. They handed us all the pictures and a DVD and we left.

Harry and I sat in his car and we were driving to his mom’s house. I had applied some make up again because I had been crying and I really didn’t want to leave the first impression with a red nose and puffy eyes. Harry was smiling so bright it was making me happy as well. After hours of driving we finally pulled up in front of a nice looking house. As soon as Harry turned the engine off, the front door flung open and a woman walked outside. Harry stood out of the Car and they hugged tightly. I guess that is his mother then…? I opened my door and stepped outside as well, grabbing the envelope with the photos and the DVD. A girl ran to Harry and the woman as well and they all hugged together. I just stood there awkwardly. Harry suddenly snapped his head up and looked to me. When he saw me standing there he chuckled and slowly pulled away from them.

He walked over to me laid his arm around my waist. We walked to the woman and the girl, who were now watching me with curiosity.

“Mom, Gemma, this is my Cat” Harry said and chuckled. I shyly walked to them and gave Harry’s mom my hand. We shook Hands and she said “Anne” and smiled a bit confused. “Caitlyn” I said and glared at Harry for introducing e as a cat. Anne smiled now understanding her son. I walked to the other girl Harry had called Gemma and shook her hand as well. “Let’s go inside, shall we?” Anne spoke up and Harry grabbed my hand. We walked inside like this and Harry was still smiling like an idiot. “Harry what is so wonderful today? This smile is on your face the whole time now” Gemma said. “I am just happy” Harry said and nuzzled his head in my hair. That was tickling like hell and I wiggled a bit. “You two are very cute together” Anne said from the kitchen. Harry chuckled; I could feel his breath in my neck. “Should I show them now?” Harry whispered in my ear and I nodded. He grabbed the envelope and put the DVD in the Player. “What are you doing Harry?” Anne asked and sat down. Harry smiled at his mother and said: ”It’s the surprise I promised.” Anne and Gemma both looked confused and I sat down on another couch. Harry sat beside me and we both watched his mother and sister as he pressed play.

A meaningful Mistake - Harry Styles Fanfiction *on hold but will be continued!*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt