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Hope was paralysed with fear as Klaus turned to face her and Matt

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Hope was paralysed with fear as Klaus turned to face her and Matt. She gripped the Donovan boy's hand tightly as the Hybrid took a few steps closer to them.

"I believe congratulations are in order."

"What?" Matt questioned.

"Ah, you don't know."

"Know what?"

"You're going to be a father," Klaus clasped his hands together.

Matt turned and looked at Hope with raised brows, "is it true?"

"Matt, I – " Hope became lightheaded and her knees buckled.

The now unconscious girl hit her head as she fell and Matt rushed to her side, holding her hand as he waited for her to wake up.


Hope woke with a jolt, Matt no longer by her side. She recognised her surroundings as the Salvatore's boarding house, quickly realising that someone had moved her from the gym where she had passed out. She slowly stood up, making her way to where she could hear people talking.

"Elena?" She called out and the doppelgänger rushed to her side.

"Hope, oh my god. You wouldn't wake up and we were so worried!" Elena embraced the girl she had known since the second grade. "What happened?"

"I don't know," she lied, snapping her head over to where the door burst open.

"You!" A blonde yelled, storming into the house. "Come here."

"Leave her alone Rebekah," Stefan rolled his eyes as he followed the Original.

"No, she seems to have caught your attention in a way that I can't." Rebekah smashed a bottle of scotch and rushed over to her. "Consider me jealous."

The glass punctured Hope's stomach and she let out a pained scream. The broken bottle was pulled from her body and she began to fall to the floor for the second time that night, only this time a pair of strong arms caught her.

Even without humanity, Stefan still couldn't seem to shake Hope. He knew he had to take care of her, no matter what – and this was no exception.


"How is she?" Stefan questioned the doctor as exited the room.

"Hope will be fine. She's lost a lot of blood but she'll make a full recovery," the doctor looked down at her clipboard and sighed. "The baby, however, didn't make it."

"What baby?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. As her boyfriend I assumed you knew," the doctor apologised.

"I'm not her boyfriend."

"Then I can't disclose any of this information. Goodnight."

Stefan let out a sigh as the doctor walked away, mentally preparing himself for what would come next. His hand hovered over the doorknob before finally twisting it and taking a seat next to the bed, patiently waiting for Hope to wake up.

ahahah this was shit lol apologies
all the love, M x

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