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Hope ripped the back of the envelope open, pulling out the paper that had been folded neatly into three

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Hope ripped the back of the envelope open, pulling out the paper that had been folded neatly into three. The date read in top right hand corner read 3 days before Stefan and Klaus had returned to Mystic Falls.

Hope, he had written as usual, filling her with a small sense of familiarity.

I considered hurting you just so that I could be with you. Part of me wants you so bad that I would actually risk putting you in danger. Part of me is really that selfish when it comes to you.

Hope bit her lip as her green eyes scanned over the words written on the page.

Part of her wanted to believe that the words were meaningless now that Stefan had shut off his humanity, but her hope told her otherwise. That hope would either end up hurting her even more, or bring her what she had always wanted – him.

But I could never hurt you. I can't even think about hurting you. You mean far too much to me.

From the moment we met – the very first time at the park, I felt myself drawn to you. There was something about you that I felt like I had to get to know you.

It was like the universe has been trying to push us together for years because now that I look back, you have always been there. I just never realised it until now.

Tears began to well in her eyes and she wasn't quite certain why.

Perhaps it was because she longed for her compassion filled best friend, or because she had lost a child days after discovering her pregnancy.

Either way, the tears building in her usually bright eyes began to flow.

I'm glad I finally did.

Tear drops fell onto the paper, smudging the ink a little.

Hope wiped away the tears and laid the letter back down on the bed. She had an endless amount of hope that he would return to her as her normal loving best friend.

Nothing could change that. Nothing ever would change that.

All my love, Stefan.

3 more chapter + an epilogue & that's it
all the love, M x

HIGH HOPES | S. SALVATOREWhere stories live. Discover now