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Stefan couldn't bring himself to write another letter after the last one

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Stefan couldn't bring himself to write another letter after the last one. What else was there to say?

He had been overthinking and was starting to believe that maybe he had only told her he liked her because the dreams he was having were confusing him. That wasn't true, of course, and Stefan knew that. Saying that he would just be lying to himself.

There was something about her from the moment they first met. He didn't realise it at first but he had realised it now. The way her eyes shone brightly, like she knew something no one else did.

And as he got to know her better he discovered her undying hope. Her endless hope inspired him – made him wish he had the same outlook on life that she had. Stefan had told her countless times to never stop having hope, and he knew she always would.

Hope, he began as he usually did. It's now been two and a half months since I left and I still seem to have you on my mind constantly. I wish you could be here now and tell me that it's all going to be okay, or anything really, I just need to hear your voice again. You could say anything and I'd listen intently – that's the effect you have on me.

What I feel for Elena isn't the same as what I feel for you. I love her, yes, or I did at some point. But that love was purely physical. I was chasing a past lover whom I am better off without. What I feel for you is more than that. Yes, you are beautiful, and yes you are kind, but you also connect with me on a deeper level and inspire me every day.

I miss you the most, and I wish I could see you. Always have hope, and don't frown, I have a feeling we'll see each other soon.

Love, Stefan.

He set the pen down on the table and stared at what he had written before scrunching it up into a ball and tossing it into the bin.

She was his best friend and he told her everything – but not that, he could never tell her that.

Maybe it's best for us to try and forget each other, he thought, but how can I forget someone I'm falling for so quickly?

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