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LILY AND THE others came to visit him, and for once in their entire lives, James and Lily had a pleasant conversation with each other. It was lovely seeing James face light up as he saw Maia's red headed friend. Lily looked hesitant about talking to her best friends bully, but at least at the end of the conversation she was a little more comfortable.

Previously, Maia didn't know if she liked the idea of James and Lily together, but after James' reaction to her statement, she wanted to help James get the girl. He truly loved Lily, and that itself was enough for Lily's best friend. He wasn't as bad when you got to know him, and if Lily knew the real him Maia would be sure that Lily would be deeply attracted to him. James would protect her, make her feel loved and wouldn't put her in REAL danger. That's all Maia wanted, so she decided after they left, she was going to talk to James about Lily.

"Hey, Maia. You seem hungry, do you want to go get food?" Lily smiled at her. Maia smiled back but politely declined.

"I'll go when we wakes up, which should be soon." James nodded.

"I'm with Maia on this one. I want to talk with him when he wakes up." Maia nodded at him. Lily shrugged and continued to smile.

"Alright, well let's go guys." Peter jumped up and Remus followed, all saying their goodbyes. After a few seconds, it was only James and Maia alone in the room.

"I've seen the way you look at her." Maia started. James looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Please don't tell me you're going to say that I'm not good enou-" Maia interrupted him.

"I've had a long think about this, and I've decided you'd be best for my best friend." James' face lit up.

"Really?" Maia smiled at him.

"Yes really, now I want to help you." She leaned back on her chair as James shot up out of his chair in excitement.

"Oh, would you? That's amazing!" James grinned at her. Maia sheepishly smiled back and nodded. After a little talk about it, a deep groan emitted from the bed beside them. Both Maia and James' head snapped to the sound. Sirius let out another groan and opened his eyes.

"Wakey Wakey Mr. Black." James goofily smiled at Sirius. Sirius groaned.

"What happened?" He groaned.

"You were hit," Maia started and sighed. "With a non verbal knock-back spell. You hit your head on a pillar and was knocked unconscious. Do you feel alright?" Looking at her and smiling, Sirius nodded.

"I hope you guys beat him until he was black and blue." James smirked.

"We did." Maia confirmed and gave James a warning look. James just annoyingly smiled back at her. Maia rolled her eyes.

"More like Maia gave Venta a beating. He had every hex under the sun thrown at him!" Maia blushed modestly.

"It wasn't that big of a deal. He is a disgusting man." Maia shook her head in disgrace. Both James and Sirius nodded in agreement. After a few moments of silence, James slammed his hands on his knees and got up, saying that he was going to find 'Poppy'. Maia knew it was disrespectful to call an adult by their first name unless they give you permission, so she rolled her eyes and whispered under her breath that it was Madam Pomfrey. Finally they were alone.

"How are you feeling?" Maia sheepishly smiled. Sirius looked at her and shrugged.

"Eh, I'd say not good, not bad. I have an awful taste in my mouth though." Maia chuckled.

BOOKWORM [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now