[T W E N T Y - S I X]

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MAIA'S MIND REELED at the thought of what stupid friendship-breaking this she could of said to him. Did she tell him that his hair was stupid? That his stag jokes didn't make sense?

God, remind her to never be a weak impulse buyer again, especially when it's health related. A really really stupid decision on her part. Walking the halls of Hogwarts' with her path set to the Gryffindor tower, she shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose.

'Sebastian would have my neck for this if he knew.' Maia thought to herself - and to think she was normally not the reckless twin! What if the OWL examiners found out about it? Would she be held back a year? Expelled? She really didn't know what was coming for her in the near future.

Sighing, she climbed the last step to the portraits level. The portrait gave her an annoyed look as she drew closer to it. Maia frowned in confusion and recited the password. With one last sneer, the portrait opened. 'Merlin, who got her knickers in a twist' She snickered as she stepped into the bright red common room. It was packed with Gryffindor students who were either studying for tests (or exams), doing homework, playing wizards chess or exploding snap or just chatting with friends. It was a refreshing sight to see, and her heart swelled with pride for her house. Normally she didn't really observe the students around her, her nose always in a book but however today as different. Leaning her body on the wall near the entrance, she looked around.

The Gryffindor common room would easily be described as a loud room. Not only because of the people in inhabit the idea, but the colours and decorations of the Common Room seemed strong and bright. Bright red wallpaper filled most of the room and there was not a single silver decoration in there - only gold things. Speaking of which, the decorations were as big and as beautiful as the room itself. Beautiful gold vases were everywhere, always hanging in them a big, healthy, green plant who's leaves would stick up but not hurt. They were surprisingly soft underneath from personal experience. Various round mahogony tables littered the room, which made for a lot of bench space for students to do which ever task they needed. The seats - four seats to a normal table, two seats to a smaller chair and up to eight a big one - we're extremely soft and comfortable. They matched as mahogany too, but with a implanted red cushion in it.

The room was filled with bookcases everywhere but they were encyclopedia's and history books, none interesting enough to pick up and finish the next day. However, that didn't deter young Maia from reading almost half of the books in the common room in her years here. The floor was built in two levels. There was the original downstairs option or if you walked up a couple stairs there was an elevated floor with a fireplace and another bookshelf packed to the brim. Instead of the normal chairs like the ground level did, this level's chairs were more fit for a lounge room. This is normally were she and her red-headed best friend hung out but as of late also the Marauders.

Speaking of which, Lily and James were on the lounge, Peter was near the fireplace (most probably warming up) and Remus was on the floor, reading. Slowly walking the few meters, she stepped up to the elevated area. Remus noticed her first.

"Oh hey, Maia's back!" He announced. Lily, James and Peter looked back at the brunette. Maia climbed onto the lounge from the back of it and sat beside the unofficial (and not even close) couple. Lily smiled at her warmly.

"How are you feeling, Mi?" Maia blushed in embarrassment of the nickname given to her. Only Lily and Sebastian knew about that nickname her mother gave her. Maia gave her a warning look and Lily stuck her tongue out.

"Pretty better now," She mused. "Hey, where's Sirius?"

James furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips, blinking a few dozen times. "Pretty sure he's with Marlene McKinnon?"

"Why?" Maia cocked her head to the left. Remus snorted and flipped the page of his book before replying.

"Probably 'relieving stress' or something of the other." He laughed. Maia's heart sunk. How could she forget about his 'partners'. With everything that had been going on, she had completely forgotten about his disgusting tendencies with other girls. 

James laughed and high-fived Remus, where as Lily gave the bookworm a disgusted and apologetic expression. Maia rolled her eyes and crossed her legs on the lounge.

"That's disgusting." She wrinkled her nose and James smirked at her. James' arm snaked around her shoulders and he crunched his nose up in a small smile.

"You can't win every male who sees you, Ms. Bookworm." Maia's heart sunk even further at the fact that Sirius might not like her. And stuck her tongue at him in response. Remus snorted.

"That ball says otherwise however." That peaked everyones interest, including Peter who was up until then staring at the fireplace. Lily looked up from her book, plagued with curiousity. James snapped his head to Remus in immediate interest and he raised his eyebrow in fasination while Maia's eyebrow raised. Remus can't have seen it, surely?

"Ooh, Moony, do go on!" James squeaked. Remus smirked at me and I gave him a pleading look. He didn't take the bait.

"Well, I happened to see Sirius eyeing Maia's date with the hot blazing fire of jealousy, which unless I was mistaken and he was looking at Noah Sweeney with unmatched longing - I'd guess that little Padfoot likes Maia a little longer than he's letting on." Maia could see Lily's obvious smug smile behind her book and she glared at her.

"God, not this again guys. We just became friends again. Lay off with the conspiracy theories. He does not like me!" But Merlin do I wish he did was what she wanted to say.

"Who likes Maia?" Sirius entered the upstairs area and smiled at his friends affectionately. Maia's head quickly snapped back to Remus as he slyly smirked at Maia. He went to open his mouth but Maia quickly jumped off the couch and tackled Remus, his long body tumbling with her short stature.

"I swear to Merlins Panties if you say anything I'm going to physically castrate you Remus!" Remus only laughed and shook his head. Maia lifted her upper body and straddled him as she glared down at him, her arms crossed.

"Alright, I won't, I won't - get off of me!" Maia stuck her tongue out and he did the same before they both laughed. Sirius looked at both of them with a certain confusion.

"What's going on?" He asked, scrunching his eyes in confusion.

"Nothing you should worry your pretty little face over, Sirius." Maia responded nonchalantly and Remus snorted.

"Oh so you think he has a pretty face."




Thank you for nearly 8k! Very much appreciated and sorry for the wait. I've got finals however my last exam is tomorrow. Hopefully I get good marks :)

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