[T W E N T Y - S E V E N]

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Well, specifically the first exam they had was in 2 days, 11 hours and 32 minutes - and boy her brain would not let her forget that. In the past ongoing weeks she had been on and off studying her buttocks off for it. All the compulsory subjects she had to it were troubling her and although she knew she had a good memory and she knew she was a good student, that didn't stop her from worrying that she was going to fail either. Her procrastination tendencies weren't helping either. It seems as though the library was the deepest temptation when it came to it. In that light, Maia decided it would be easier to study in the common room.

That brings us to present minute.

She was sitting on one of those plush, mahogany chairs on the tables, reading her DADA theory book. Her book was a big brown hard-cover book. On the front page it had swirling cut vines that twisted around each other. The brunette doesn't normally destroy her property, but the book just seemed so plain to her so one day, while she had the spare time, she did it. It payed off too, because the book looked great in her opinion - at least it looked better than it did before. In the book it had various scribbles and cross outs in it. She usually got all of her highlighters and markers - her muggle study stuff - to write into the textbook. Her normal study routine was to highlight and summarise relevant texts to the test. It was quick, simple and efficient. However, she was a bit stuck. Everything in that book seemed critical so she was hyperventilating a bit. What did she highlight? What did she not? Does she copy it or not? What the fu-

"Hey Maia, you studying?" Remus walked over and sat opposite to her, looking at her quizzically. She nodded her head, bringing her palm to her cheek and leaning on her arm with it. Remus nodded.

"Mind if I join? It might help to study with two minds working instead of one." Maia shrugged.

"Sure, let's do it. I've been a bit stuck for awhile though." She sighed. Remus looked over at her book.

"What with?" Maia tossed her highlighter I'm the air and caught it before answering.

"Highlighting text. It's all so important." Remus hummed, before going into a explaining of what to highlight and what to not. It was so refreshing to not be stuck with something now, and they continued to help each other for awhile after that.

"So Maia," Remus started to enquire. Maia hummed. "What's up with you and Sirius at that ball."

Maia choked.

"What about us at the ball? We had a great time." Remus snorted and leaned back in his chair, resting his arms behind his neck. He smiled teasingly.

"Yeah I know, that dancing said it all." Maia softly kicked him under the desk. She smiled sweetly.

"Oh yeah, you saw that? How much did you see?" Remus smirked and kicked her back before leaning forward, and crossing his hands together and leaning his elbows on the table.

"Oh, just, all of it. I have to say, I was quite the way away but was that a kiss I saw?" Maia blushed bright red and stomped her foot on his under the table.

"Argh, shut up Remus! It was spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. He probably didn't even mean to." Remus snorted.

"Yeah sure, and he doesn't whisper your name in his sleep." He whispered. Maia leaned forward so they were relatively close.

"What did you say, Remus?" Maia asked, although she had heard what he said perfectly. He shook his head and poked his tongue out at her. She poked her tongue out back and then started a staring contest. They both looked at each other, unblinking. After 10 seconds, Remus chest heaved in silent laughter. After seeing that, Maia's did too. Finally, a few seconds later, Maia cracked and leaned back, laughing loudly. Remus joined in a few seconds later and soon enough they were both heaving in laughter. It quietened down a minute later and they went back to work. But, after a few minutes she felt eyes on her. She looked up. Remus was looking at her. She stared back.

He poked his tongue out quickly. She started laughing again.

"Will you stop that!" She said, shaking her head. He shook his head.

"You know what Remus? You're actually pretty cool." Maia admitted to him. He nodded and smiled.

"You're pretty and cool, Maia." Remus joked. Maia shook her head, her smile not going off of her face. Putting her highlighter down, she leaned back - stretching.

"You know, if you and Sirius weren't insanely attracted to each other I'd totally go for a girl like you." He admitted. Maia's eyebrows raised in shock in his statement.

"Wow. Actually, surprisingly Lily always thought that you and I would get together. Guess not." Remus shrugged.

"Weird. Maybe in a parallel universe we're together." Remus spoke. Maia hummed.

"I reckon if Sirius weren't in the middle I'd totally be with you." Remus and Maia looked at each other.

"Wanna go kill Sirius and then snog over his dead body?" Remus put out the 'offer'. Maia jokingly went to get up and Remus cracked up, His head going back in laughter. Maia soon joined in, their laughs echoing the almost empty common room.

"So, back to the subject. You just admitted that you'd go for me IF Sirius wasn't in the middle. You just outed yourself, darling."

Maia swore.

"I swear if you tell him you know I'm going to hit you so hard you'll see through time." Remus raised his eyebrows. "I'm not kidding Remus, I w-" He waved me off.

"I won't, I won't. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Maia smiled.

"What secret?" Sirius appeared behind her. She jumped out of her skin with fright.

"Jesus H Christ Sirius, stop doing that you twat!" Remus cracked up, covering his face with his hands. Maia gave him a look to shut up about her secret. He looked at her and then Sirius.

"Maia just admitted that she'd totally bang me."

"Oww! Maia, that hurt! Stop hitting me with your book!"

"You deserve it, you pervert!"


I know, this is a kinda crappy reward for HITTING 10K READS.

Uhm, one question,,


Thank you so much!

I swear, I can't believe that I've got even 1K for this book, let alone 10K. This is a huge achievement for me and I'd like to thank everyone who is has, had and will read in the future. You are the people that make my day and inspire me to write these chapters.

The biggest hugs and kisses for you all out there, have a good day or a safe night.

Love you all,

- Amme

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