[T H I R T Y - O N E]

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"So," Sirius started, both of them lying down beside each other. They were close enough for it to be considered intimate, but it was easy enough for them to move a little before someone wakes up. "Apparently we had a good night."

Maia chuckled, straining her eyes to see in her far off peripheral vision that Leena had smudged lipstick all over her face, with huge bruise marks on her neck and collarbone. Her normally pristine white button up shirt was messily placed upon her, with buttons done up unevenly to show her navel, stomach and a little bit of her black sports bra.

"I see that," Maia responded. "I mean, look at Leena!" Sirius sat up and checked her condition. His jaw drew slack.

Maia also sat up in curiousity. "What? I'm going to hit you if you're looking at her cleav- oh wow."

She did a double take and leaned a little closer, just to make sure her morning haze (or her poor eyesight) weren't affecting her eyes. Leena and Remus were sleeping on opposite ends of each other, their heads close but their bodies going in opposite directions. The only thing that linked them was that their hands were slightly curled together. They both had satisfied small smiles on their faces as they dreamt.

However, Maia supposed that there was a more drastic second reason as to why her partner gasped in all his glory. Inspecting further in her post-dreaming sleepy daze, she finally realised what he was gasping for.

Leena's lipstick perfectly matched the lipstick on Remus' lips, cheeks and neck (and perhaps more but Maia didn't particularly want to partake in that inspection).

She looked back at Sirius, who was already looking at her with a wide, mischievous and wiry grin. She shook her head and chuckled quietly at him, nudging him in his elbow. It was silent for a few minutes as they just sat silently, listening to the chirping birds that were just outside the Gryffindor tower.

"Do you, just kind of, suddenly feel really, k'know, sick?" Sirius asked out of the blue, looking at her. "Like, you could throw up at any minute."

Maia looked at him and nodded, startled.

"It feels very scarily different to my normal self. I don't feel at all normal." Maia started, putting a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes. "Do you know ANYTHING of what happened last night?"

Sirius scrunched up his nose in thought before ultimately shaking his head. 'Great.' Maia thought to herself. 'This is the second time I've been drugged this year.' She quickly got up and sat down on the couch that was a few meters behind her, groaning. Her clothes were wrinkled, with obvious signs of sleep movement in them.

"Well at least nothing too weird has happened yet." Sirius remarked over his shoulder and Maia nodded half-heartedly, even though it was redundant as he couldn't really see it. She was about to reply when a loud groan emitted from James' crumpled form.

"Why in the actual name of Merlin am I spooning with Wormtail?" James sleepily remarked, getting up and slowly assessing the situation, then double (and triple) checking Lily's sleeping body and squeaking. "WHY IS LILY HALF-NAKED?"

Sirius laughed loudly, causing Lily and Leena to stir in their sleep. Maia also couldn't help but burst out laughing too. However, she knew that Lily would kill her if she left her like that so she quickly ducked upstairs lightning fast to grab a blanket. Finding the one Maia normally kept when she was reading on those winter nights, she patted Matilda (who was softly snoring on her bed, that little minx) and went back downstairs to find Lily awake and wide eyes. Leena was also awake, but like the pro she was, she just rearranged her clothes and sat up, holding her head muttering curses under her breath. It was almost as if Leena had done before.

BOOKWORM [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now