[S E V E N T E E N]

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"So let me get this straight," Lily pursed her lips. Leena leaned on the table, her arm supporting her chin which was resting on the palm of her hands.

"She punched him in the jaw."

"Yep." Leena stirred her glass with a straw.

"He fell to the floor."

"Yes." She looked at Lily, bored.

"And rescued Sev."

"Yes, and we've been through the details a million times," She groaned. "Is it really that hard to believe that she punched someone, I mean she got into a punch up with me."

Lily hummed.

"Yeah but you deserved it." Leena chuckled and sipped her apple juice.

"I'm really worried about Maia though." Lily revealed and blinked the tiredness from her eyes as she stared in the direction of the girl. She was ten seats up, reading a book while slowly eating an apple. Five seats up Sirius looked at her, concerned, for he was thinking the same too. She was barely eating and reading too much. He barely saw her in the halls and she didn't speak at all in Potions. However, he didn't regret his decision to decide not to be friends with her as it resolved the issue with Lily and Maia - but not in the way it should have.

"I need to consult her." Lily sighed. Leena nodded and gulped the rest of the juice down.

"That you do."

Later that evening, as they were getting ready for bed, Lily looked at Maia. Maia was brushing her hair, once again reading her book. Lily stopped brushing her teeth and spat out the residue. Turning on the sink tap for a second to wash it down the drain, she turned it off and turned to lean against the sink.

"You like him." Maia jumped and looked at her, like a deer strung in head lights.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, flushing red. Her nails dug into the books cover. Lily looked at her friend blankly.

"You know what I'm talking about, Maia Sterling," She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "You fancy Sirius Black."


Maia's book hit the floor and she put the brush down. She blinked a dozen times and looked at Lily. Lily could see her throat constrict as she gulped. Maia's eyes then averted to the floor. She could feel the salty tears form at her lash line and her lip twitched.

"I can't help it, Lily." Her voice cracked. Lily felt a rush of sympathy for the small girl. She stepped forward and embraced her as Maia grabbed Lily's night dress. Her sobs were the only thing heard in the room.

"Shh," Lily stroked her hair. "I don't blame you."

Maia looked up, her tears clouding her vision and making Lily look slightly blurry. "You don't?"

Lily shook her head. She uttered a 'No'. Maia squeezed her in the tightest hug.

"Thank you for understanding, Lils." Lily kissed her forehead in a sisterly way.

"Of course I understand, I eagerly awaited the moment you realised you liked something more than books." Maia let go of her and playfully punched her.

"Hey!" Maia laughed. Lily giggled at her and rubbed her arm.

"I don't like him more than books..." She smiled. "He has a long way to go to get that far."

Lily laughed. "I feel as though he'll get there soon enough." The redheads face grew solemn. "However, if he breaks your heart like he does many in our school I'll crush him."

Maia nodded, her hair falling into her face. She brushed it back and took a deep breath. She then nodded in thanks.

"However," Lily went onto say. "Leena and I had been talking and I don't think that's the case. Still, keep cautious in case he is playing you."

"Ugh... boys are confusing..." Maia walked to her bed and face planted,  her hair falling around her. Lily elegantly sat on her own bed and laughed.

"It's a bit weird." Lily looked over to Maia, who had rubbed her face on her red quilt and was now looking at her.

"What's weird?" She asked. Lily chucked and ran a hand through her hair. She propped her pillow up and lay on it. She then put her hands behind her head and closed her eyes before continuing.

"Well, just four months ago you hated him." Maia laughed.

"I guess so." It was an awkward silence for a moment. All that was heard was each others breathing and a dripping noise that came from a tap that they couldn't fix.

"I guess it's always been in the back of my mind, I just needed a reason to like him." Maia admits, her tongue clicked. "I remember when I saw him for the first time in third-year my first unconscious thought was 'Hot damn' and I remember scolding myself for the next five minutes because of it." Both girls cracked up laughing and it gradually ceased into a comfortable silence.

"I'm sorry." Lily finally spoke. Maia looked up, looking at the normally playful red head. Lily leaned back on her pillow, her ruby hair sprawled over the pillow like a vine.

"What ever for?" Maia asked. Lily frowned and turned over in the bed to face Maia.

"I made you choose between me and them. It was bad and I regret it." Maia shook her head.

"It's fine, really." Lily shook her head. Her eyes got a saddened look to them.

"Leena told me that you cried about it in the Common Room. She also told me that you didn't choose - Black forfeited." Maia nodded - thinking about that unfortunate time. Lily continued.

"I was jealous. He was getting all of your attention. For so long it was only me you were smiling at and joking with. It made me feel special that this girl who was too smart for words and too pretty for even Elvis or John Travolta to ignore." Maia frowned and then giggled.

"But John Travolta is pretty hot." Lily face palmed but raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"I'd totally bang him." She agreed, Maia choked on her own spit and started hackling.

"Who wouldn't? I mean have you seen Grease? That tight black shirt." They both looked at each other and groaned simultaneously before giggling.

"We seriously need to watch it in the break." Lily smiled at her and Maia nodded, confirming the decision.

"Now that I've got that off my chest I need my sleep. Goodnight boo." Lily sunk into her pillow and rolled over. Maia hummed and did the same - smiling peacefully for the first time in weeks as she let the waves of sleep drift over her. Now she just has to get Sirius back.

She was determined.



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