A Side Effect of Celebrity Sneak Peek

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Read on for a sneak preview of Brenna's novella 'A Side Effect of Celebrity'... 

Note that this novella is currently published on her profile under the name 'The 'It' Boy'. In the summer of 2021, it is going to be undergoing revisions and will be re-released under its new title in July.

Claire looked up into the startled face of Jay Dawson.

Her first thought was that he looked just as he did in the movie posters. Beneath the red hood of his sweater, she could see a tanned face with a strong jawline, straight nose, and soft-looking pink lips. Tousled night-dark hair curled around his ears. He was tall with a broad chest and she was sure that he was every bit as fit and muscular as he looked in the movies.

Yet it was his eyes her gaze snagged on. Green and sparkling like a gemstone in the sun. The colour was as bright as freshly mown grass.

Claire watched his face shift as he realized that she was aware of who he was. A small tightening to the mouth and around his eyes was the biggest indication – but then his attention was caught by the sound of a group moving through the park, rapidly approaching and speaking with high, shrill tones.

Jay Dawson glanced quickly over his shoulder where from around a bend, a group of what seemed to be his fans appeared. "Shit," he swore and before Claire even knew what was happening, he'd gripped her around her upper arm and towed her towards a nearby tree.

She wasn't quite sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't for him to hide behind it and say, "Please tell me when they're gone."

There was such desperation in his face, such wide-eyed panic, that she nodded and stepped out from behind the tree where he was hiding to watch.

It took a few minutes for the crowd to go by but they hadn't appeared to have seen where he'd vanished to. When they were out of sight and far down the path, Claire went back to where the movie star was hiding.

"They're gone."

"Thank god." He caught sight of her raised brow and winced. "Okay, I didn't mean it like that. I love my fans but they've been following me for forty minutes since I left work. All I wanted to do was go for a quick run, you know? Clear my head and get a workout in like a normal person"

"Of course."

"They were waiting for me when the set wrapped for the day and –" Jay froze, his face growing pale. He rubbed a hand over his eyes. "Oh god. You must think I'm the most egotistical jerk ever, right? Some asshole who can't even show appreciation to the people who keep me famous."

Claire only shrugged. "I'm thinking that you're a guy who got mobbed leaving work, ran into me, and is now freaking out a bit. Honestly, I'm still trying to process this. Are you okay?"

Jay swallowed thickly but he waved off her question and muttered, "Sorry again about running into you and—You're covered with coffee and it's definitely my fault. Let me pay for your dry cleaning."

"Dry cleaning?" Claire bit back a smile as she looked down at her faded t-shirt and well-worn jeans. "Keep your money. I'll just throw this in the laundry when I get home."

She watched as he peered around the tree again, looking for signs of the hoard of groupies, before he glanced back at her, those blue eyes insistent upon her face. "Listen, if you don't tell anyone that I was here or which way I go next, I will give you a cheque for five thousand dollars right now."

"Five thousand dollars? To not tell people that I saw you?"

"Ten thousand."

Claire gaped at him astounded at the offer but also thinking that it was kind of sad in a way. To offer someone such a huge sum of money just so that he could go about his day unnoticed.

That's so sad.

Claire hadn't realized that she'd said the words out loud before Jay cringed. "Thanks."

"I didn't mean..." She released a breath. "Keep your money. I don't want it and I promise not to tell anyone that I saw you running through Central Park."



"You seriously don't want money from me?" His brow wrinkled in confusion as if he couldn't actually believe it to be true.

Claire cocked her head to the side. "Would you feel better about this if I said that I wanted your money?"

He considered for a moment and then murmured, "Honestly? Yes."

"Fine. Give me two dollars."

"Two dollars?"

She held up the empty coffee cup in her hand. "You made me spill my coffee. I don't really want your money, but I do want a new coffee so if you're that eager to spend your hard-earned cash, then I will take two dollars to buy myself a new cup of joe."

Jay reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wallet from which he withdrew two crumpled bills and handed them to her.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Claire said. She walked away from the tree and headed for the path where she paused a moment, looking in all directions. Without turning, she said, "Looks like there's a big group of people congregating near the gate to the left. Maybe head the other way.

"Thank you," Jay replied. His voice was a little hoarse.

"Take care, Hollywood."

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