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Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music—Ronald Reagan

The line to get into The Vault wrapped across the front of the building and down the block. Streetlamps glinted above, coating the sidewalk in swaths of white light.  Through the haze of city lights, the stars and moon could be seen peeking out from behind dark billowing clouds.

Though there was still a half-hour before the band preparing inside was set to take the stage, the fans on the street murmured excitedly.  Imagine Reality had been signed to Hype Records for five months and it was a well-known fact that they were embarking on a nationwide tour as the opening act for fellow musician Cleo Greer. 

During those months, much had changed. Professionally, the band was becoming more well-known and had begun to make appearances on talk shows and podcasts.  They had performed at a holiday concert in L.A. in December and again to celebrate New Years' Eve. 

Julio and David were both a constant presence during the band's onboarding to the label.  They had input on everything, but it was always a welcome input that stemmed from years of experience. Yet they were always willing to let the band raise comments and suggestions and never turned down the opportunity to try something new.

Lennon had been invited to sit in with Hype's staff songwriters and though she'd always considered herself to be a good writer, the hours that she spent talking and creating with those talented minds were some of the best she'd spent since they'd signed. They were a welcoming group and they constantly bounced ideas off of each other until they had pieces of music that were beautiful and pleasing to listen to.

Even with Hype's songwriters, Lennon and Spencer had still written a significant portion of their first studio album, a self-titled follow-up to their independent venture, that was currently in the works. The fans they had accumulated were waiting anxiously for its release but until then, they had been satisfied listening to Songs for Elijah on repeat and watching the band's social media for a behind-the-scenes look at Imagine Reality's exploits.

Hype Records itself was a label that Lennon was thrilled to be a part of.  Not just for Julio and David or the songwriters who supported the band, but also because the label fostered individuality and creativity.  They wanted their groups to be successful but not once had they tried to force Imagine Reality into being something that they just weren't. 

Personally, everyone in the band had gone through adjustments as well.

Taylor was perhaps the busiest of them all as she worked to balance school, managing the band, and her relationship with Miles.  Now that they were signed to the label, Taylor had been able to step back from promoting the band as the label had their own people to do that work.  Instead, she got to work with them on their day-to-day activities for which they were all grateful.  No one at the label had yet learned how to wrangle the five band members as well as Taylor had.

Miles had kept on at his job at the steakhouse for only a few weeks after they'd been signed before he'd quit to devote himself to the band full time.  He spent much of his time rehearsing, recording, and performing.  And when he wasn't with the band, he was visiting Taylor at school or at her parent's home in Los Altos. He had even come to a civil understanding with Taylor's brother who had finally begun to realize that Miles was going anywhere anytime soon.

Lennon and Spencer had similarly left their jobs at Spin City; however, Lennon had continued to privately teach guitar a few times a week to select students.  They spent much of their working and spare time together and though Lennon had wondered if too much time spent together would be harmful to their relationship, it had actually done the opposite.  She and Spencer were more in-tune than ever and it wasn't uncommon to find Lennon over at the Lucena household having tea with Anna or watching a baseball game with Rafa.

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