Chapter Eleven

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If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music --Thomas Carlyle

The week passed so quickly that Lennon hardly had time to process it.

She spent the better part of each afternoon with the band – which had still yet to find its name. Lennon was slightly worried that they were going to be performing as Chaos Invasion or Solitary Monsters.

At the very least, their music was sounding much better. By Wednesday evening, their covers were flawless. The song Lennon had written for them had come a long way since Saturday. They still fumbled on it in a few spots, some missed notes and not quite in-tune vocals from both Spencer and Zeke.

Still, since no one other than the five of them knew how the song was supposed to truly sound, Lennon supposed it didn't quite matter if it wasn't one-hundred percent perfect. No one else would know it wasn't right.

As the band finished packing up their things on Thursday after their rehearsal in the school music room, Spencer crossed the room to where Lennon was sitting. He collapsed on the floor next to her. "What'd you think?"

"You guys will be fine. You sound great."

Spencer only sipped from a bottle of water, saying nothing. There was a tightness to his jaw, a tenseness to his shoulders.

"Are you nervous?" Lennon asked. She tucked her songbook into her backpack.

"Does it make me a coward if I say yes?" Spencer risked a glance at her. He spoke quietly as if wanting to make sure that the rest of his friends didn't hear his concern. The fearless leader that had to have an air of confidence the entire time.

It was the vulnerability in his voice that made Lennon pat his shoulder. "No. I'd be more worried if you weren't nervous."

Spencer exhaled. It was a deep, shuddering breath.

"Have you done it? Performed on stage in front of people before."

She had. Many times. When she and her father were living in New York, it had been common practice for Lennon to join him on stage. Sometimes it was on guitar or backup vocals. They'd done a few duets which had led to Lennon singing backup for a few other acts that performed regularly at The Vault – her father's favourite bar and performance venue that was owned by his good friend Phil Caplin. Phil had even let Lennon open an act by herself once, a few weeks before her father had gotten sick.

Lennon nodded at Spencer. "Yes."

"Any tips? Aside from picturing the audience in their underwear?"

"That one doesn't really work anyway. Just...Enjoy it, Spence. Don't let yourself get caught up with nerves. You know your set. It sounds great. You'll be completely fine."

Spencer offered her a grim smile but it warmed his eyes slightly. "Thanks, Lennon."

"Anytime." She clambered to her feet and addressed all of the boys, not just Spencer. "I should get home but I'll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?"

There was an echoing round of goodbyes from Spencer, Miles, and Zeke, the latter of whom still maintained his former rigidity in her presence but was starting to thaw slightly. Charlie merely waved as she headed for the door.

It was a quiet night at Lennon's household. Her mother had taken Colby for a playdate and Brad was out with his golfing buddies so Lennon had the place to herself. She liked the quiet and the emptiness. It was better than when her mother was home, anyway.

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