Chapter Twelve

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There's nothing like music to relieve the soul and uplift it – Mickey Hart

On the last day of class before the Thanksgiving long weekend, Spencer and Miles cornered Lennon in the hallway next to her locker.  She was in the process of grabbing her things for a biology test she had taking place in first period. 

"Hey," Lennon greeted them as they came to a stop next to her.  She'd seen Spencer during their English class the previous day but Mr. Sievers had been strict.  No talking allowed during the period he'd set aside for independent study and the writing of their final essays.  And they'd all been piled with so much homework that their rehearsals had been put on hold for the week.  She'd scarcely seen Spencer and the rest of their friends over the previous few days.

"How's it going?  Still riding high from Friday night?" Lennon asked.

"You could say that," Spencer said. 

Indeed, his eyes were still bright, reminiscent of the way they'd spoken late into the evening in the booth at Quincy's last week after Imagine Reality's second show at Quincy's.  Since their first appearance at the restaurant had been considered a success, Quincy had invited them back for a second showing which had occurred the previous Saturday. Lennon had again filled in for Spencer on the guitar since his wrist was still on the mend.

"Are you free after school?" he asked, leaning against the row of lockers.

"I'm meeting Bryce for dinner but I'm free until then.  He's leaving tomorrow to visit with his grandparents in San Francisco for the long weekend."

"What time are you meeting him?" Miles asked.


"That's plenty of time."

"Okay."  Lennon shut the door to her locker and turned in the direction of their biology class.  She switched topics.  "How are you guys feeling for this test?"

Miles flashed a grin at her.  "Well...We prepped the way we always do."

Lennon raised an eyebrow.  "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means," Spencer said dryly, "That while I study, Miles sits on his ass in my basement eating, watching television and eating potato chips.  If it wasn't for me asking him quiz questions and talking things through out loud, he'd be a complete mess for all of his tests."

"I think it's a very effective study strategy," Miles said in a quiet aside to Lennon as they walked.

Spencer sighed and gave Lennon a look that told of long-suffering.  She disguised a laugh as a cough but Spencer caught it and grinned.  Lennon had never told him, but he had a nice smile.  Easy and bright.  When he smiled, it made you want to smile back.

The biology test was easy enough.  There were a few concepts that tripped Lennon up but she was confident that she'd passed.

She and Miles bade goodbye and good luck to Spencer as he went off to his geography class.  They were early to their chemistry class and many of the students were chatting.

Taylor slid into the seat beside Lennon as Miles and Charlie filled the seats behind them.  "Hey!"

"How've you been?" Lennon asked.  Like with Spencer and the others, Lennon hadn't had much of an opportunity to catch up with Taylor over the past few days.  But Lennon hadn't forgotten how Taylor had stayed with them for a long while after their gig had ended at Quincy's the previous Friday.  It had been surprising for Lennon who had never really her two friend groups mix outside of school.  Taylor had fit in naturally to the group dynamic.

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