Chapter Twenty-Seven

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For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness—Reba McEntire

The theme of the prom was Enchanted Forest. It was being hosted at a hotel in Los Altos and the members of the organizing committee had been hastily decorating the well-sized event room to fit their needs. Large circular tables capable of seating up to eight people each had been strategically placed around the room. They had centrepieces of candles and flowers. Fake trees had been brought in, glowing with fairy lights. Garlands hung on doorways and a photography corner was being set up.

To the fair end of the room was a modest stage. Slightly larger than the one Imagine Reality usually crammed onto at Quincy's but not big enough for them to have much room to move around once they started performing.

"What do you think?" Taylor asked Lennon as she led her into the room. Danielle was the chair on the prom organizing committee and had been largely responsible for executing the design. She'd been the one to bring Taylor and Lennon in to see the setup early.

Lennon paused to take in the decorations. Danielle was over by the photography corner. She waved at Taylor and Lennon and indicated that she would be over in a moment.

"It's nice," Lennon said. "They've put a lot of work into it."

"Yeah. Danielle's been stressing about it for weeks. I swear she's going to sleep for a week once Saturday is over."

Lennon laughed but it died out a little as Danielle made her way over to where they lingered in the doorway. Danielle did look worn out, hair limp, eyes tired.

"This all looks great, Danielle," Lennon said.

Danielle beamed with happiness. "Thanks! Everyone has been working overtime to get it all set up. I can't believe the prom is tomorrow. Feels like just yesterday that we were freshmen."

Taylor nodded solemnly. "I'm terrified to graduate. I don't know that I'm ready to be an adult. I just kind of wish that I could stay in high school forever."

"Not me," Lennon said. "I want out of here as soon as possible."

"Glad to know that we made such a great impression on you in your short time at Los Altos High with us, Len. That eager to get away from Danielle and I?"

Lennon rolled her eyes at Taylor. "You know that it has nothing to do with either of you. I'm just ready to move on with the rest of my life."

"Right," Danielle interjected. "Soon the only time Taylor and I will get to see you will be on the cover of a magazine. Though perhaps not with Jay Dawson. It seems like those rumours have finally dissipated."

Lennon said, "I don't think that magazine covers are going to be in my future."

"Oh come on, Lennon. Your band is doing amazing. The Palo Alto University radio station has been playing the music that Taylor submitted to them for at least two weeks now and according to Tay, Quincy's is sold out every time you're slated to perform."

"That doesn't really mean much. Well, it does to us of course but we haven't heard any movement from labels or anything and from what we can tell there have been no talent scouts at our shows."

Taylor bumped Lennon's shoulder. "Doesn't mean it won't happen. Anyways, we have bigger things to worry about right now than the band's impending success."

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