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“What?” Harry said as he pulled away from our embrace slightly so he could see me.

“He’s right, Harry. We are stuck. Everyone knows who we are!” I paused. “There’s no escaping it.”

The tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

He wiped them away.

“Shhh.” He cooed. “It’ll be okay, baby. All that matters is that he won’t be around anymore.”

“Do you honestly believe that? Harry. He kept me in that business for four years. If I even thought about leaving he would hurt me.”

He tensed up at my words.

“Sorry- ” I whispered.

 “-But you know Rick. He wouldn’t just let me go like that. He’s up to something. He obviously came here for a reason and I have a feeling he’s going to do something.” I finished.

“Then let’s leave.” He suggested.

I thought about it.. if we left without warning, Rick would have no idea. We could actually get away.. but if he found us, it surely wouldn’t end well.

“Where would we go?” I shouldn’t be considering this.

“I don’t know.. It doesn’t have to be far.. What about San Francisco?” he said with that smirk.

He knows that I’ve always wanted to go there.. It’s only about a six hour drive from our current apartment in Los Angeles.

“Yeah.” I decided.



“Alright! It’s settled then.. we’ll leave tonight. This will be great for us, Pheebs.” He smiled then kissed my cheek before hopping over to the dresser on the other side of the room, quickly shoving his things into bags.

“Harry. Slow down. Fold the clothes.” I can’t stand a messy suitcase.

He chuckled but listened to me and began folding the articles.

“Where are we even going to stay?”

It’s not like we can live on the streets.

“We can stay in a hotel for the first week or so.. we’ll find an apartment from there. Maybe we can use some of my money? Get a nice place?” he looked at me.

I nodded.

“If you want.” It came out a lot quieter than I expected.

“Yeah.” He smiled.


The alarm on my phone went off at 1:00 am, signaling it was time for us to head off. Harry was still sound asleep of course.

I shook him lightly.

“Babe.” I whispered.

He stirred.

“We have to go, H.” I said a little louder.

He heard me this time, shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

I heard the sink start to run.

“Are you all packed?” I think he said. I couldn’t really understand him through the toothbrush and toothpaste in his mouth.

“Yeah.” I looked around the small dark apartment. This was the apartment Harry and I first moved into together. I’m not gonna lie.. I’m kind of sad to leave it behind.

I didn’t even notice the water had shut off in the bathroom, but Harry’s hand on my back pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him, he was fully dressed and ready to go. I must’ve spaced out for a while.

“Get dressed, love. We have to go, it’s 1:17.”

“Okay.” I said softly.

I slipped on my jeans, a random top I laid out last night and some boots. Harry handed me my jacket.

He grabbed our few bags, we didn’t have much stuff, as I opened the door to the chilly November air.

We loaded our bags and ourselves into the Range Rover, I waved goodbye to our building.

Harry smiled at me and we sped off to our new tomorrow.

(author's note: short again i know! BUT i updated fast and this was just a filler.. setting up the events to come. i hope you enjoyed and i'll be updating a full lenth chapter within the next few days!

what do you think is going to happen when they get to San Fransisco?

will they be safe from Rick?

or will other threats occur?

talk to you guys soon! xoxo)

One (Harry Styles AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now