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(A.N. SURPRISE alright. i know i said the story was on hold but it just so happens that i had some spare time and some random urge to write so here i am. it's also saturday, so im staying on my update schedule. hope you all like this extremely short but eventful chapter (:)


My head snapped up from my hand at the sound of his voice.

He was alive?

Zayn literally beat the shit out of him not even five minutes ago. I didn’t think he’d ever get up, let alone this soon.

“Perfect fit?” Liam asked with a smug grin on his face.

Harry quickly stood in front of me to block me from him.

I stepped around him. I can take care of myself.

“Pheebs.” He whispered and urged me to come closer to him. I remained in my place.

“Look’s like someone’s feeling brave today.” Liam walked closer to me. “A few people actually.”

He switched his gaze to Zayn.

“What was that you were saying before she turned you down?”

“I didn’t turn him down..” I started, trying to save Zayn from a little humiliation.

“Ah, but you did. Why don’t you tell us what you told her?” Zayn looked to the ground.

He mumbled something.

“What was that?” Liam pushed.

“What’s the point of this?” Harry finally interrupted.

By now, he had already moved closer to me grabbing my hand in his, since I wouldn’t comply.

“You’re right.” Liam chuckled. “There really isn’t one. I just thought it was funny that finally after four years of chasing her, he actually told her how he felt--”

“That’s why you kissed her!” Harry realized.

“You saw that?” I had no idea.

“Yeah! I also heard you say he was hurting you!”
Now Harry was mad.

“No Harry-”

“That’s not what happened!” Zayn shouted.

He took a deep breath.

“We had just left you and Rick at the car,” He stated toward Liam. “ Of course thing the first she asked was where you were.” He now pointed to Harry. He squeezed my hand. “I told her not to worry, but she just wouldn’t stop asking! I just kissed her to shut her up! She got mad because she said she was just worried about you.. I didn’t mean to push her against the wall that hard..” He trailed off.

I started to walk toward him but Harry pulled me back.

“There are other ways to get her to stop talking.” He shot.

“I know I just--”

“Wanted to kiss her.” Harry finished for him.

Zayn slowly nodded, I felt so bad for him to be embarrassed like this.

“Well, sorry to break up this little- whatever it is- but I actually am here for a reason. See, Zayn here, still works for me.”

“For you?” I asked.

Liam smiled.

“Yes. As does Rick.”

I looked to Harry. He seemed just as surprised as I was.


“I’ve been watching you, Love.” Liam smirked. “ All the years you’ve worked for me and I’ve just now met you. But!” He chuckled. “I have planned something for you.”

Harry reached in his back pocket and took out something I definitely wasn’t expecting.

“Your wallet?” I was completely confused.

He handed it to me.

“I want you to go back to the hotel okay? Pack up everything and go somewhere. Another city, another state. Anywhere. I’ll find you. I’ll meet you there.” He whispered.

“What? No Harry I”m not-”

“She’s not going to leave without you.” Zayn finished for me, while rubbing the stubble on his chin. “Especially not now that you’re getting married.”

“That was your plan.” Harry gasped.

“Wait, how did you now he was going to propose?”

“He told Zayn.” Liam smiled.

“I trusted you!” Harry yelled.

“Sorry, mate.” Zayn shrugged.

I decided to do something that I never thought I would. I took out the gun that I had stuffed in the bottom of my purse. I aimed it at Liam.

He held up his arms.

“Just let us walk away,” My hands shook, but I tried to mask it by moving the gun to Zayn as well. “And I won’t shoot either of you.”

I pointed the gun back at Liam.

“Phoebe-” Harry tried.

“No!” I shouted at Harry.  “Let us leave!” I screamed.

They knew I was mad. I don’t know how much Liam knew about me but it must have been enough to know that when I’m mad, I actually could be willing to shoot someone.

“Okay.” Liam slowly started to back away as Zayn stalked toward us.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” I yelled at him.

“I um- I was going to.. come with you?”

I looked to Harry. He shook his head no.

I was not in the mood to cooperate with anyone. 

“Fine.” Obviously my brain wasn’t working right.

Zayn seemed surprised but kept quiet.

We all walked back into the mall and to the food court to meet up with the other boys. Acting as if nothing had happened.

Harry plopped down in the seat.

“Well, we found Rick.”

One (Harry Styles AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now