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We had spent the night trying to explain everything we could to Louis.

There was so much to go over, I’m not sure if the boys finished explaining things to him but I fell asleep an hour in.

I woke up, sprawled across the bed, by myself.

I lifted my head up slightly off the bed to look for Harry and was surprised when there wasn’t at least one boy in sight.


No response.

“Babe? Where are you?”

Still nothing.

I quickly got up out of bed to try and find him, or anyone really, but I stopped when I saw a note lying on the nightstand.
 We went out to get a few things
 Wanted to let you sleep - be back around 1:00pm :) Love you x - H

I sighed, at least I knew that he was safe.

I then heard the shrill ring of the hotel phone, I stumbled over to answer it.

“Hello?” Who could be calling?

“Hey baby.” Harry answers.

“Hi” I smile into the phone, happy to hear his voice.

“Pheebs.” He states seriously.


“Um.. Yeah?”

“I need you to do something very important for me.”


“Leave the hotel.”


“Please, right now.”

“What the hell? No. Harry, I’m not going to just run out of the hotel. I’m not dressed!”

“Please.” He’s actually begging through the phone.


“Phoebe!” He shouts.

“I don’t even have a phone! I’m not leaving this room!”

“Fuck!” The sound of clattering is heard on the other end.

I hear a bunch of profanities coming from Harry.


“Shit. Pheebs, hang on.” He’s distant. “Sorry. Dropped the phone.” He chuckled.

“Why do I need to leave?”

I switch the phone to my other hand, walking around the chord.

“Niall said something about Rick’s people checking every hotel, I don’t know. I just want you safe. You can meet us if you want.”

“Oh, um. Let me uh- Let me get dressed. Where are you?” I said while rummaging through my suitcase that’s sat on the other bed.

“Some shit mall.”

“Wow, Harry. Thanks. That really narrows it down.”

He laughed.

I smiled.

“Oh um, I don’t know what it’s called. Just get a taxi to take you to the nearest mall as soon as you can, I’ll wait outside the entrance to meet you.”

I sighed.


“I love you.” He reminded me.

“I love you, too.” I smiled.

We both hung up and I went to apply my makeup.

Once I was dressed and put together, I grabbed my purse and ran down to the lobby.

I started out the door to get a cab.

It started to rain.

Of course.

There was a line of cars waiting to pick up guests of the cheap hotel.

I quickly scurried to one and told him where to go.


A long 15 minutes later we arrived at the ‘shit mall’, which in my opinion, looked amazing from the outside.

I opened the door and Harry spotted me almost instantly. He ran up to the door to cover me with his umbrella.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

He quickly paid my cab fair for  me and we walked into the mall.

It was just as amazing from the inside as it looked outside.

“Harry, this mall is amazing.” Definitely not shit.

“Eh.” He chuckled and intertwined his fingers with mine.

We met up with the boys and started to shop around a bit.

Harry handed me a bag.

“What’s this?”

“I got you a new phone.”

I smiled.


He laughed again.

“Pheebs, it’s barely been a day.”

“That’s way too long.” I joked.

(short short short! filler filler filler! soooooo sorry it took me so long to update ): I will be updating tomorrow though! Let me know what you thought of the chapter and what you think is to come (:)

One (Harry Styles AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now