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(there's nothing too insanely  sexual in this chapter but note the star (:)

“Phoebe.” I think I hear.

“Pheebs, we’re here babe.” Harry whispered while shaking me.

I groaned. It’s way too early for me to be up and moving.

He gently shook me again.

I extended my hands out in front of me and opened and closed my fists,

“Carry me.” I whined.

He laughed, I pouted.

Feeling bad, he slipped his hands under my thighs and picked me up bridal style.

He called over someone from the hotel to get our bags, seeing his hands were a little full.

We then were headed toward the lobby, I’m assuming.
My head was currently resting on Harry’s chest and my eyes were squeezed shut.
I was trying to go back to sleep.

Once again, my slumber was interrupted but this time by someone bumping into Harry and me.

I could feel the vibration of Harry’s voice as she shouted at whoever it was.

“Hey! Watch it man!”

I slowly lifted my head up to see who caused all of the commotion. Unfortunately, I could only see the back of his head as he had continued to walk in the other direction. I could see he was dressed in all black, a leather jacket adorning his torso. The man had dark hair and tan skin. I didn’t even realize I was staring until he whipped his head around and his brown eyes met my blue ones. He seemed to be on edge, until he realized who was staring at him. He then smirked and winked at me.

I scoffed then buried my face in the crook of Harry’s neck. I could feel him look down at me but I chose to ignore it.

He didn’t let it go though.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

I didn’t tell him.

Instead pretended to be back asleep.


We were all checked in within a few minutes, Harry had set me down once we got to the counter so he could pay and everything.

I took that time to admire the hotel he had picked.
It was luxurious. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in a place so beautiful.

As we walked to the room, and my mouth was still hanging open from all of the beautiful architecture I saw throughout the hotel- more like palace, I nudged Harry’s shoulder to get his attention.

He looked down at me.


“This place is so - wow.”

He chuckled. “I know.”


“What do you mean why?” Said with that smirk on his face.

“Why did you pick it? It must have been so expensive, Harry. We don’t need to spend that kind of mon-”

He cut me off,

 “Only the best for my best girl.” He finished off the cheesy line with a wink.

I rolled my eyes.


Once we got to the room I decided to go back to sleep. I didn’t even bother to see or ask what Harry was planning on doing. As soon as I hit  the most comfortable bed I’ve ever touched, I passed out.

I awoke at 1:04 p.m.

Harry was asleep on the bed beside me.

I quietly got up, slipped on my shoes, grabbed some cash and decided to go down to the lobby to get something to eat.

The only type of food the hotel had was a very nice restaurant that wasn’t open until dinner and a small café opposite the check-in desk.

I decided on the café.

When I walked in, I saw him.

The man from the lobby this morning.

I got to get a better view of him now and he definitely was not hard to look at.

I found myself staring but when he caught me, again, I quickly diverted my vision to the floor and walked to a table, only to be followed by him.

He sat down across from me.

“Can I help you?” I said, quite rudely.

He chuckled.

“Feisty huh?” he paused. “I like that.” He spoke in a low whisper.

“Please.” I scoffed at him for the second time since I’ve seen him.

“Look it’s pretty obvious I have a boyfriend, so why don’t you just move along?”

“Oh.” pause. “That jackass is your boyfriend?”

“Um, he’s not a ‘jackass’ but yeah. He is. And he wouldn’t be very happy if he knew you were talking to me.”

“You’re talking to me too, sweetheart.”
Damn it.

“He wouldn’t be happy if he knew we were talking.”

He ignored me.

“I’m Zayn, and you are?”

“None of your business.”

I got up out of the chair and started to walk toward the counter so I could get my food and leave.

He got up and walked behind me.

“Could you just leave me alone!” I didn’t mean to shout but of course I did and managed to get the entire café involved.

I apologized to the people and started to walk out, the food wasn’t worth it anymore.

“Phoebe!” I heard Zayn shout.

I stopped in my tracks. How the fuck does he know my name? I slowly turned around.

“How did you..?”

“You’re Phoebe Hart. From LA.”

“Um.. no I.. “

“You are.” He laughed. “I know you. Well, I know of you. You work for Rick, yeah?”

“Oh um..” I started to back away so I could get up the stairs and back to Harry.

Zayn grabbed my arm.

“You do, don’t you?”

“N-no. Not anymore.”

“But you did?”

“Uh.. yeah..”

“Thats where I recognized you from!” he shouted.

I was very confused.


“Yeah.. Rick and I go back a few years.”

Shit. no. no. no. no.

He’s going to tell Rick where we are.

“Oh.. um.. do you still talk?”

“Nah.. He’s a dick. But I remember when he hired you. He was stoked about it. How’d you get out of it?”

“Um.. Harry and me.. we just.. we left.” I tried to explain as vaguely as I could.

“Oh yeah.. That’s cool.” He looked up at the ceiling, like he was contemplating asking me something. “H-how long have you and.. Harry? Been together?”

What? Why would he want to know that?

“Yeah. Harry. And a few years...”


He literally seems like a completely different person than the guy I was just talking to in the café.

“Um.. yeah..”

there was a silence.

“I should probably go.” I decided.

“Yeah! Yeah.. you should go..” he seemed.. nervous?

“You alright?”

“Definitely.” He smiled. “I’ll see you around.”

I waved as he turned to walk away.

What the hell?

"Phoebe!" someone shouted from behind me.

 I turned around to find Harry.
 Thank God.

I ran to him and hugged him so tight he couldn’t breathe. He pried my arms from his waist.

“Hey.. You okay?”

I clung to him again, but my arms were looser around him. I nodded into his shirt.

“What happened? Where’d you go? Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving? I thought something happened to you, and from the looks of it something did..” He grilled me.

“No- no, nothing happened. I just missed you...”

“Babe.. you were gone maybe half an hour.. you couldn’t have missed me that much.”

I looked up at him, “I did.”


We practically ran back to the room, both of our moods drastically changing.

Harry knew I didn’t just miss him, but at this point he didn’t really care.

Harry stumbled with the key in the door so I took over. Within seconds, we were in the room. It took no time for us to strip down to only our underwear which led to us making out on the bed.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

“I love you.”

He pecked my lips and turned us over so he was now on top.

“and I love you.”

He left kisses all over my neck and trailed them past my chest, down my stomach until he stopped just above my panties.

“These are my favorite.” He smirked.

“I know.” I whispered.

I nodded my head, urging him to continue.

He slowly pulled them off, never taking his eyes off mine, driving me insane.

His head moved up again to kiss every inch of my body, it was when he was kissing my arms that he stopped.

“What’s this?” He held my forearm, gesturing to the red mark left there by Zayn when he grabbed my arm earlier.

“Oh.. uh..?” I didn't want to lie to him.

“Who did this?”

“Some guy..”

“What guy?!” He demanded.

“Um.. his name is Zayn..”

“What?” I could see his mind trying to figure out who Zayn was.

Usually, I don’t know anyone he doesn’t know.
I wish I didn’t know Zayn..

“Where’s he from?” He questioned.

“I met him in the lobby.”

“Was he that asshole that bumped into us earlier?!”

I slowly nodded.

“Damn it!” He was really mad now.

He jumped off the bed and put on his jeans, shirt, and shoes.

“Well don’t just sit there, get up!” He yelled tossing me my bra and underwear.


“Get dressed and meet me in the lobby. Hurry up.” He ordered.

He dashed out the door.

I followed his order and quickly got dressed and made my way down the hall.

Before I got to the elevator, I saw Zayn in a room with the door open. He was on the phone. Obviously I had to listen in.

“Yeah, man.” pause. “I found the girl.”

(author's note: ooooooh zaaynnn lol! long chapter! I hope you enjoyed! please remember to vote and comment!)

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