What To Do (2)

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    Kylo found himself breathless. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, he grew dizzy. No, he couldn't break down. Not here.
   "Where," he wheezed "where did you get that necklace."
   "My parents gave it to me, if you'd like to know." She said defiantly. Just like Rey.
   "Girl, what's your name?"
   "Don't question me. Now, what is your name."
   "Kylo, we don't have the time. Kill her and get on with it." Hux interrupted, suddenly.
    "Not now Hux." Kylo responded through gritted teeth. He had to know, was this Padmé?
    "Padmé, I'm not sure what you'll do with that information." The girl stated, suddenly.
    "Your name, is Padmé? I-" Kylo stopped. "I wish to speak with you. Alone."
    "No questions." Kylo whisked her away, and everyone gaped. No one stopped them, and they went. Through a hallway, to some back room. Far away.
   "What do you want? You can't just tell me not to ask questions!" Kylo removed his mask. Then his gloves. He felt naked. Yet he absolutely wasn't.
   "I want to tell you something." His voice became gentle. "Your parents left you here twelve years ago- correct? No note, only your name and a necklace."
   "Yes, but what in the world does it have to do with you?" Kylo sighed and pulled out his own necklace, from beneath his scarf.
   "You have the same style necklace as I do? Okay, what does this have have to do with anything?" Kylo's eyes burned with tears.
   "I have the same style necklace as you, because I gave it to you."
    Padmé inhaled sharply. This man, was her father? Why'd she give her up?
   "Your mother and I couldn't keep you. The people we work for would've killed you."
   "Who is my mother? If you don't mind me asking, sir."
   "Sir? You may call me whatever you'd like. As for your mother, well. This may seem ironic, but your mother is named Rey."
   "Rey? Jedi Rey? But you're a Knight! The Knight that the Jedi are fighting! You've killed people!
   "I did, Padmé calm down."
   "My father is Kylo Ren, KNIGHT OF REN! HOW CAN I JUST CALM DOWN YOU-"
   "Quiet, keep your voice down. Nobody can know about us. Go through the window. Take the first ship you can out. Go straight to the rebel base, do you hear? Ask for your mother. Will you do that?" Padmé nodded numbly.
   Her father was an evil man, who kills people. Her mother was the hero, whom she's admired her whole life.  She grew up hearing about how good the Jedi were, how they'd save her. Now? Padmé was directly related to one! Even more, she was the strongest of the few.
   Her father glided out of the room, saying nothing more.
   Padmé looked to the window. She had to jump, just a few feet. She sat on the window sill with her feet hanging outwards. The wind played with her hair and with her pants. Padmé jumped. She didn't know when she decided to jump, or why she did jump.
   Padmé hit the grass with a thud. She lost her footing and toppled over, sending her down the hill.
   A woman stood facing a large city. The wind played with her hair, which was kept up in a triple bun hairstyle. Her long, brown robes billowed out behind her, making her look bigger than her small frame allowed.
   She hated being small. Nobody took her seriously, they didn't give her as much respect as they would have if she were taller, or broader. This woman, however, was exceptionally strong. Mentally and physically. She had grown up alone, waiting for the people she loved. Now she loved another.
   She never knew why, or how. Her and Kylo Ren just fell in love. They were polar opposites, the light side and the dark side. It was love, so they had escaped, ran away. She told Finn and Poe that she was training alone. She returned about a year later, with stretch marks and a secret.
   Oh, but she loved her secrets. Her marvelous baby, beautiful child. The woman would never get to see her again, nothing would cause her to seek her out.
   "Rey? We just got new Intel from the spies, it might be good this time!" A dark haired, dark skinned man said with a good natured smile.
   "Alright. Tell Poe and Leia I'll be there in a moment." The woman-Rey. Paused. And her friend began walking away. "And Finn, be careful. Alright?"
   "Yup. About what?"
   "You know what." Rey responded. She hated these meetings, hated the war. The war that she was fighting against her husband, while nobody could know. It killed her.
   It also killed her to watch Finn, her best friend, fight this war. Finn grew up as a storm trooper, which turns out to be very different from this life. Finn was used to direct orders, but here, they let him choose. That was tough for him, and, as he chose not to go behind enemy lines often, he had to watch Poe and Rey leave. Every time. For what could be the last time.
   Poe was Finn's boyfriend, if that's what you'll call it. Only Rey was told, but others could just assume. They spent almost all of their time together, and Finn didn't even wear his own clothes at this point. Rey and Leia bought those for him.
   Rey laughed at the memory, then she took a deep breath and strutted to the meeting, dreading every second.

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