Ticket to Revenge (28)

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"Sit, stay." He said, as if she were a pet. He locked the door behind him, leaving her alone in the training center.

"I am so much more than you think I am." Hir Ren said to herself. After a moment alone, she decided that she might as well exercise while she was in there. She took her weapon out of her belt; which wasn't a sword like her fellow Knights' had been.

Throwing stars. A brilliant foreign invention, with a lightsaber twist. Her abilities in the force weren't strong by any means, but they were enough to control the handful of weapons. And how deadly she had become, when she twisted them to herself.

Unfortunately, her only opponent had become that poor dummy. The stuffing spilled out within seconds.

Hir turned to her next victim, but paused when she heard the unmistakable sound of something climbing in the vents.

'Maybe its a rodent' she thought, moving her stars to the tunnels in hope of getting a living target. 'Maybe it's an intruder, even better.'

And so, she swiftly cut a section out of the ventilation. Hux could fix it later, for all she cared. It came down with a heavy thud- definitely not some critter.

"What are you." No response. "What are you?"

"In trouble." The voice had to belong to a child. Another voice shushed them.

"I won't hurt you." Hir coaxed, softening her voice.

"Those lasers say otherwise."

"Don't get all smart, Pads."

"I'll put them down." They hit the floor. "Come out."

Two figures made their way out of the pipe. No way could they be older than fifteen, and they looked terrified.

"What's your guys' names?" They looked like prey, caught in a corner with a predator before them.

"I- I'm Padme." The poor thing puffed out her chest, and put her best foot forward. "A- And this is my partner Doe. We're not scared of you."

"There's not any reason to be. What are you doing here?"

"We've got to kill someone."


"Well she asked,"

"You guys are too cute. My name is Hir Ren." The kids looked uneasily at each other.

"That means you're a Knight, right? A Knight of Ren?" She nodded, "I know, that used to be my Dad's name."


"I'm sure she's safe. She's probably with my mother right now-"

"But you don't know that." She said, "but it's the best we've got. Let's grab my lightsaber and go."

And they were off. Rey's quarters were just down the hall, the quarters where she'd been kicked to her own couch. Well, she volunteered, for Padme and Doe, but still.

Doe. Doe, Doe, Doe. Padme has brought them in without even asking Rey. Not that she minded. Not really, anyways. She was just happy that her lonely child had found a friend.

They talked, at night, about their villain. In the middle of the nights, they had awful dreams about this Hinda character. That must be where the scars came from- the poor thing.

The retina scanners did their thing, and let Rey into the room. Ben followed closely behind her, careful not to get locked out.

"Where is it?" It wasn't where it always was, right there on the shelf by the communicator. "It was right here. This morning, I saw it!" She kept looking.

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