A Silent Conversation

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I need to know if you love me.
I wish I could tell if you cared or
if you're scared,
all I see is a blank space where your face
should be.
Your staring at me,
through me and I can't seem
to break this veneer your whole mind seems so unclear as if I'm talking to the wall or a small child.
You tell me that you love me, so then why can't I see it?

He keeps talking.
I wish I knew how to answer.
This secret is eating me like a cancer
and I don't know what is worse,
Death by secrets or death by the curse
of loneliness that will find me when he's heard what I've done.
How will he look at me like I'm the one he loves when I've been hiding
all my baggage in the closet.
I knew this was a bad idea,
I knew there were reasons to stay away
and safe from all the havoc this would bring. Why didn't I listen,
why don't I ever listen? 
I promised myself that I wouldn't let it get this far,
But my heart was beating so loud it drowned out all the warnings, and I was too starry eyed, completely taken by his beautiful smile, and laugh lines, by his honesty,
Which I honestly wish I had.
I have to speak, he's looking at me,
It's amazing how one moment in one small day can make the biggest change.
I might be lonely in five minutes,
I might not.
But regardless, nothing will ever be the same.

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