Another year is coming to an end.
2016 has been an amazing year here at the Pub.
We have grown considerably and have featured many of our Pub regulars, as well as a new wave of young Poets that are taking Wattpad by storm.
We want all of you to contribute a new Poem to our 2016 collection.
Lets put together the greatest collection the Pub has ever seen.
This is not a competition, but a general collection for all Poets here at the Pub.
There are no restrictions on length, style or subject.
As always though, we do ask you submit the Poem properly, as we have several collections and competitions on the go at the same time.
You have until December 31, 2016 to submit your poem for this collection.
Remember, all Poems submitted must use the following format ...
Screen Name:
Poem Title:
As always
any ?????????
Please ask
2016 collection
PoetryA collection featuring the amazing Poets that call the Poets Pub home.