A stricken warrior (TheGeekestGirl)

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 A stricken warrior

Faith May hit you like a rock

Hope may be heavy on your back

Myths might make your heart skip a beat

But legends never die

Heroes never fade

Fighters never quite

To me you were sun and light

You were a champion

And I wanted to get on your level

I stood strong

I tired my best

Yet I crumbled from under

They told me I couldn't save everyone

I told them to go to hell

They told me I couldn't be a shield for everyone else bullet

Watch me

They say such beauty couldn't exist

And even though I saw only a few minutes of you

It was all I needed to understand

A angel that didn't battle with demons

One that helped them

You had such inner beauty and grace

You really had a heart pure of gold

The best things in life aren't free

But you never cared for that

You did it regardless

You were someone I wanted to live up to

But I couldn't

I was proud to think of myself as being your shadow

You were everyone's cure to there disease

Even though there was no cure for you

I like to think that your laugh is like a book mark

It was generous and caring

Funny and loving

When life got tough I could think of a moment when you laughed

Anyone could

That's all they needed to smile again

Even if you couldn't anymore

I love you


This poem is dedicated to a very close friend of mine. She was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer and I wish I could talk to her again

It's also already in a collection of mine called 'without doubt'

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