9. Quicksilver

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"What the fuck did I tell you about buying hamsters?" I screamed.
"It just happened!"
"Ya, right, Phil. Didn't you know that I would be very angry?"
"I did! But once I bought it, you won't be able to do anything! See how I tricked you?"
I took that as a challenge.
"I can't do anything, huh?" I said, "well, watch me."

He handed me the hamster cage. I took it and went to the trash can. I opened the lid. The cage was above the trash can. Just let it go, Dan. But I couldn't. I have this teensy problem where I love animals too much. I sighed and closed the lid, returning to the house. I handed the cage back to Phil. He was giggling like a jackal.

"Just shut the fuck up and get inside, fucking you spork."
He came inside and hurried up the stairs.
"HA! I WON!" He screamed.

That guy. I shut the door and went up. Then I remembered the condition of the kitchen. I screamed, "PHIL, DON'T GO TO THE KITCHEN, IT'S--"
I heard a loud THUMP and a loud "WOAHHHH"
I winced

I ran up to see if he got hurt. Phil was sitting on the ground, examining his feet and palms, now studded with glass shards.
"What the heck, Dan?"
"I'm really sorry, Phil, it was an accident, I swear," I say, as I tried to pick him up without impaling him again, trying to shift him to a safer part of the kitchen floor.
"I left for a while and this is what you do. Destroy the house."
"To be honest, you were gone for a long time," I mumbled under my breath.
"Nothing. Should I take you to the doctor?"
"No. We can do it at home itself."

So, there we were, sitting on the kitchen floor, with me picking out glass pieces and him muttering "ow, ow, ow," constantly. There wasn't much, so it was pretty easy. After all the glass was removed, I wrapped bandages on his palms and feet. Seemed like Phil can't walk for a while.

After I was done, we sat in silence. Cos somebody stole our car radio (ayyy. Jk). I looked at the hamster in its little cage, on the kitchen counter.
"So what did you name it?"
"Huh?" asked Phil.
"The hamster."
"Oh, him. I named him Quicksilver."
I tilted my head to the side and squinted at Phil. "Really? You named a hamster Quicksilver?"
"Why not! It's fast, and it has grey fur."
"I don't know. Quicksilver seems too...bold for a hamster. Makes it look badass-y. Doesn't suit a hamster, if you ask me."
"Yeah, well I didn't ask you."
"Alright, fine, have it your way. By the way, I'm really sorry for what happened. I was trying to make a sandwich, and the next second, I've made a mess."
"Maybe God is sending you sign, like, YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO ENTER THE KITCHEN. And this time, you managed to drag me into the punishment."
I snorted. "Maybe that shows that we were meant to be together."
"Ya," he said. Then his smile dropped. "Wait, what did you--"
"Never mind what I said!" I interrupted. Phil just looked very confused and cute.

"Well, I gotta go get your medicines, now," I said, getting up. I took my wallet, and also my broken phone, so that I can send it for repairing as fast as I can, before TATINOF. I went towards the stairs.
"Wait!" called out Phil. "Are you gonna leave me lying helpless on the floor?"
"Yes, I am!" I said, as I went down the stairs and outside the front door.

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