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Hey guys, I will continue with 'verses for you' next week. Thanks for reading and voting. please read, vote and leave comments. Have a wonderful week. see you soon.


God created us in His image which means He created us like Himself. He gave us the ability to imagine and to create things just like him. Man has being doing this for years and as such created wonderful things like planes, cars, houses, phones and so much more. If man is able to imagine all of these beautiful things think of what God imagined when He created man. Think of all the features that God has put in us just to bring His imagination to reality.

When a man imagines a phone, that is how he wants the phone to be, he tries his possible best to put whatever thing that the phone will need to perform all the functions he wants it to. It is the same with God, He imagined us doing wonderful things after His creation and so He put everything that we will ever need inside of us. If you've noticed some people use phones or other devices for over a year and do not know that they can actually do some certain things with these devices. The same thing happens to us humans, most of have not yet discovered all that God has put inside of us because we fail to look inside of us through the eyes of God's word and His wisdom. He is waiting for you to pick up yourself and start finding the entirety of what He put inside of you.

I just thought of this now, people actually look down on themselves by not looking down on themselves: when we accomplish a certain task with the talents God has put in you don't let it get to your head, rather start thinking of what you are going to do next because we can never exhaust the things that God has put in us. Compare your imagination to the imagination of God, if you can imagine beautiful things think of the imaginations of a God whose thoughts are holy, of peace, righteous and beautiful. Think of the imagination of a God that loves you unconditionally, and then ask yourself this question; am I living up to God's imaginations and expectation for my life.

No creator is happy with his creation if they are less than what they imagined. After a man creates a phone or any other thing and the device is not up to his imagination or expectation, that man takes up that device and starts afresh ensuring that he puts everything that the device needs to function the way he wants it to. On the other hand, God has done everything right but man has refused to use what God has deposited in him. God will not just pick you back up and force you to fulfil your purpose because He has given you a will but He is waiting for you to come back to Him wholly so he can make you all He wants you to be and make you live a beautiful life.

Do not die unfulfilled! Make sure you fulfil your purpose in life and live up to God's thoughts and imagination for you. Maximise the talents God has put in you, for you will give account. Your world is waiting, for you have enough light in you to light up the world.

I hope you get the message behind the message. God bless.

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