Commitment is a basic part of our lives that most of us have left behind. Commitment is a trait of sincerity and focused purpose. It is the state of being pledged or engaged. Serious-mindedness to a certain task is commitment.
Everyone recognizes commitment; which is why when you are to delegate a particular duty, you search for someone that has been committed or devoted to their past duties.
We also know that at are different work places they don't just promote or give awards to just anybody, they recognize the committed ones. No matter what it is you have to do, whether little or big, you should put your whole mind into it. Do it well, take it seriously, don't say it's too little; when I have something on a higher level, I will show great commitment.
You fail to remember that in every assignment there is something for you to learn in order to handle the bigger assignment that will come after you have learned that lesson. It might not be a very big lesson, or something to bring you money, it might just be an opportunity to learn a virtue. Do not underestimate small beginnings. For all you know, these virtues might be the very ones to carry you through difficult stops in life.
"Something good is happening every moment of your life. Something is growing bigger. It maybe a seed of patience for a new friendship just birthed. It may also be that the weaknesses of your plans are being revealed. Whatever it is, each season is producing some specific result from your efforts." - Mike Murdock. Therefore, continue in commitment, do not lose faith and treat every dream or vision that you have with great commitment and a good attitude. Put all that you are into it and make sure to do all it takes.
Jesus is a man of genuine commitment and He honors commitment no matter who it is coming from. If a man is committed, God rewards him even if He does not have the governance of God over his life. Yes! I will tell you a story from the Bible in Acts 10:1; "There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, a devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always."
If you read further into the chapter, you will find out that Peter was sent by God to tell Cornelius about Jesus and what salvation means, so it is clear that this man knew that there was a God up there looking at man's way of life here on earth, so he was just a moral man. But God saw his commitment to the little things he did.
He was committed to giving alms, fearing God and praying to God. The Bible says he did all of these things always. When most Christians see unbelievers succeeding in their business, they begin to say he has gone to meet a witch doctor or done something evil. I agree that some of them do evil things just to get wealthy, but some others just follow principles. Do not forget that our God is a God of principles. If one follows the principles of God he will definitely succeed in life. If you are committed to your academics, you will have beautiful grades. If you are diligent at work, you will be promoted. If you work towards improving your talent, you will be great. If you freely give to the needy, you will get your reward. These and lots more are principles in the Kingdom and God honors them.
You should be committed in every aspect of your life as the Bible says in Colossians 3:23; "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Please leave your comments on what you think of commitment and what interpretation you get from Colossians 3:23; let's learn from our thoughts.
God bless you guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated for a week now, please pardon me. I love you guys.
A word from a "friend"
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