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Hi guys, happy New Year! God bless you all.

In the Spirit of the New Year celebration, my new friend called me and asked me to hang out with him; well I couldn’t say yes and I couldn’t say no. I couldn’t say yes because I couldn’t just dress up and leave the house without telling my parents where I was going to; and I couldn’t tell them I was going to see a guy they didn’t know and a guy I just started talking to. On the other hand I couldn’t say no to this friend because I felt I was being too strict and I wasn’t sure what exactly to tell him to explain why I couldn’t hang out with him. Well, I thought of saying I don’t know you too well, let’s just talk more on the phone then after sometime we would hang out.

In the middle of all these I got thinking of values. What exactly are values? An English dictionary refers to it as one’s morals, morality, or belief system; that which is highly esteemed. Values are those things that you do or do not, without having to explain to others. You get very uncomfortable if you try to ignore or go against your values. You can’t explain most of them, they are just values.

Share your ideas on what you think values are. Please share your thoughts. What are values to you?

As we have values so does the Kingdom of God. The values make us members of this kingdom. We should be good ambassadors and defendants of these values. We shouldn’t let the opinions of the world pull us to a point where we neglect the values of the kingdom.

Are values and convictions the same thing? Well I guess you have to be convicted about a thing before it becomes a value. Values are deep, really deep. Myles Munroe said “the middle ground is to be so whole in your uniqueness that you can respect other people’s opinions but not be moved if people do not see you rightly or try to mould you into their patterns.” I am not saying not to hang out with your new friends, am saying be unique and hold onto your good values and God-values.

A person of values is more attractive #perception. How do we get values? Are there times when we have to put our values aside? I will continue my story next week.

I love you guys. Please leave your comments. God bless.

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