Genesis 1:31; "And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good....
They is a huge difference between oranges and tangerines. Oranges are obviously bigger than tangerines in every way. Firstly, the back of an orange is thicker and harder to remove while that of a tangerine is not thick and easy to peel off. Secondly, an orange is bigger in size. Thirdly, the seeds of an orange is bigger than that of a tangerine. Fourthly, the juice in an orange is more than that of a tangerine and so many other differences that I have not mentioned.
Let us liken this to humans. No doubt there are people who are very talented. They can sing, they can act, they can dance, when they write everyone is interested and we ask, is God not partial? They are these other people who are less talented; they have to put in so much effort into everything but they still do not get to where the very talented people get to.
Everybody has a place dear friends. Find yours and trust me you will be contended when God leads you in your right path. Success is not being a big star, or celebrity or getting millions of fans who scream your name. Success is impacting and changing lives for good. Success is putting lives in the direction that God desires for them.
You might also be thinking about the comfort and the wealth that comes with big positions but trust me when you play your part in life with the direction of God you will be comfortable and wealthy, able to get whatever you need in life. Because God has promised us a wonderful and beautiful life here on earth.
So do not compare yourself with anyone. Only appreciate them and be happy for them; more so, pray for them that they continue to walk with God. Believe it or not it is harder up there and they need the help of God.
You are unique and made for a particular purpose. All you have to do is find your story in the Word (remember who the Word is) and live according to his divine directions. Only then can you live happily, comfortable and in the protection of God our father. You should know one thing, that when God gives you a position or a place in life, no one can ever take that place from you. Believe the Word and you will live a sweet and peaceful life.
P. S: most people prefer tangerines to oranges. I love you guys.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year dear friends.
A word from a "friend"
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