Horror!Sans x Naive Reader

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**(y/n) PoV**

Everything got dark until I hit the ground. Indescribable pain stabbed my back and legs, I laid there for a while. Then a soft but shaky voice said: "Human? W-wake up! You need to get out!" I stood up slowly, my vision was cloudy, so I streched my back until I heared a loud crack from it. "God! That hurt but it's soooo good" I looked around trying to find the voice but no luck. I started walking when I found a patch of dead grass and a frail, almost wilted flower. 'Poor flower' I thought to myself, so I reached my backpack and grabbed my waterbottle (you were camping so yeah) I poured some of it on the flower then... It spoke!

"Aww... It feels good... H-human, you're alive!" he sounded shoked and worried.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I'm
(Y/n), what's yours?" I asked as I bend to his level.

"F-Flowey... Flowey the F-Flower. You should not be here, if she finds you, she'll ki-" he got cut off in mid sentence when a dark shadow hover over us. It was a goat lady with a long and dark robe,  she had yellow eyes with ruby colored pupils and she hissed: "Well, well, well... I think I missee a weed. I thought I told you to get-" she noticed me... I couldn't stop shaking but the gave a motherly vibe, I just ran into her without thinking and hugged her as I cried.

"Mom, hey goat lady! Would you be my mom? My real mom died so you be my mom!!!" there was a ghost like silence, Flowey took the opportunity and climbed up my shoulder as he wrapped his vines around my arm, chest and waist and hid his head behind my neck. The goat ladys eyes started to get watery, as she hugged me back she whisperd: "A-alright, my child" she pulled away and continued: "My name is Toriel, I'm the caretaker of the ruins. Come I will take you home.". I followed her then I heard Flowey say: "What's wrong with you? She will kill you, in this world is eat or be eaten!"

"Come on, Flowey. She isn't that bad, I bet she has pie!!!" I said as I followed Toriel.

"You're dead... But.. You helped me so... I'll stay with you but be careful."

"Ok, ok."

(TIME SKIP by Napstablook remix)

Toriel made some blood pie, it tasted kind of ironie and Flowey vomited while I was eating. After a while I got bored. Asked mom where the exit was, she wasn't very pleased. So, skipping that I had to fight ber but I gave ger mercy until she let me go. Going outside the huge doors,  the cold wind stabbed my face like needles being thrown at a blanket, Flowey wrapped himself tighter to me to keep each other warm.

I stick slept on the snow but it was to heavy to carry so I left it. I kept walking until I cross a bridge and stumble upon a hotdog stand there was a skeleton. His skull was broken as some broke through it, he had his fingers inside his eye socket as well holding his head, he wore a red stained blue jacket. My stomach started to rumble as the thought of a hotdog in the snow came to mind ' aaww a hotdog with extra ketchup!!' my dream hoydog. I walked towards the skeleton but Flowey hold me back. "(Y/n) are you insane!? He will kill you! His dangerous!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I walked closer until it spoke in low and terrifying tone.

"Well... Look what we have here, a human? Isn't that humorous? The name's Sans" he says as he taps his boney on the counter. The left eye socket had a red pupil and he gave me a sick twisted smile, it just called my attention even more. "I see your hungry, would you like a head dog?"

"Minee (Y/n) and Yes, please!" Suddendly he pulled me close to him face-to-face only inches apart, I could feel his breath it smelled like death and blood. He had a few "ketchup" stains in his cheek bones, without giving it another thought I licked the stain and noticed a purple blush running a cross his face. His bones started to rattle and his grin disappeared.

"What... was that.... For?"

"You had a ketchup stain and I love ketchup!" he let me go and hid under the counter. He said "What are you? I'm going to kill you! Monsters will kill you! Why are so... So...."

"Naive?" Flowey said filled with annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah, why?" he stood up and continued."

I sit next to him, grabbed his arm and cuddle close. My face turned crimson and his turned lavander, I answered his question: "I'm an orphan, mother died a long time ago. I have no friends but my shadow, well Flowey here is my friend now. I had nothing in the surface, that's why I decided to come to the mountain and finish the job... But I found flowey and a new mom Toriel. Now I found you, and you're very punny skeleton. All that murdy stuff I bet it's just to make you tough, I think..." I leaped on top of Sans. "You are just a cutie on the inside!!" I kisses his skull all over until I kisses his teeth with that he wrappee his arms around me and kissed me back and turned around, now his on top.

"You are the most crazy, ridiculous girl I have met... But Tibia honest-" he kissed me once again and licked my cheek as I started to giggle. "I like you, your insanity matches mine... For now" we made out for quite a while. Then we heard a scream coming from the other side.


"Damn... Papyrus... Welp, since you are gonna be my ghoul, better know my bro." Sans helped me up and gave me a big hug. We walked towards Papyrus who offered me a weird looking spaguetti... But it tasted good.

AU!Sans  X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now