Give Me Love

137 3 8

Monday, August 8th, 2016
Brynlee's POV

I wake to feel my phone/alarm vibrating beneath my pillow, and I quickly move to turn it off before I wake anyone else in the house. I look out the tiny window that is beside my bed and see a small portion of the sun's rays peeking out from the night sky. My mind was still groggy with sleep and I couldn't figure out why I was up at this hour. After a couple seconds of thinking I realized to day was my first day of hell or as most people refer to it, school.

I slowly slide out of bed and take the five steps that is needed to walk from my bed to my bathroom. When I look in the mirror, the first thing I notice is the dark circles under my eyes and the yellowish bruise on my cheek. After, I examine my long, dark brown hair that seems to have flyaways sticking out in every direction.

I turn on the faucet, brush my teeth, and brush my hair through with a comb. I walk into my room, open my closet, and throw on a maroon hoodie with black leggings and black Vans. I made the last minute decision to put my hair in a side braid and to apply a little bit of make up to cover the major flaws.

After I grab my bag, phone, and headphones off the floor, I quietly walk out of my room and grab a banana off the counter.

The second I walk out of the house, I am slapped in the face by the harsh, cold wind that comes with the early morning. After raising my hood and putting in my headphones, I begin the 20 minute walk to school.


By the time I arrive at school it's about 6:30am and school doesn't start till 7:15. I walk over to the planter I used to sit at during junior year and make myself comfortable in my usual spot while listening to music.

Soon my mind begins to wander and I start reflecting on the past year of my life. I had been sent to a new foster home that ended up being much worse than the one I had previously, I got two jobs in order to support myself, I was placed in a new school where bullies were happy to have fresh meat, and the bad dreams that plagued me. One good thing is I have a couple more months until I turn 18, and I'm free from the system and I can go and start a life that will hopefully turn out brighter than this one.

Eventually, the bell rang and I began walking to my English class. I kept my head down in hopes that no one would give me any problems. I was almost there when I suddenly tripped, and I fell face first in to the floor. I moved into a kneeling position and picked up my books that were sprawled across the floor. I hear laughing so I look up and see students laughing and I also see Justin Reyes smirking. I stand up and continue walking towards my English class.

"Where are you going, spaz?" I hear Justin yell after me.

I pretend not to hear and just continue walking, hoping and praying he'll let me go. I feel someone grab my hair and yank my head back. I had to do everything I could not to yelp.

He whispers angrily in my ear, "Don't walk away from me."

He them threw me against the lockers by my hair and everyone starts laughing. I close my eyes and slowly get get up to walk to my English class. I keep my head down as I walk so no one sees the tear that falls down my flushed cheek.

When I get to class, I sit in the back corner with one headphone in and wait for class to start. The teacher walks in and she begins her lecture on Hamlet by Shakespear that we were all supposed to read over summer.

The rest of the school day passed and I kept my head low and tried not to attracted any attention. After school, I grabbed my bag and began my journey to work.


After a 20 minute walk, I arrived at Sweat, the boxing/crossfit gym I work at. I'm in charge of clean the equipment and training some of the beginners and even some of the more experienced fighters. I walked into the back room and change into grey workout leggings and a black sports bra. On my way out of the back room I grab a bottle of cleaning solution.

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