Chapter One

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I pace around in my kitchen with a pen in hand, deciding on what I have to buy at the supermarket. After five minutes of aimlessly circling the kitchen, I finally completed my list.

I change into decent clothes and fix my hair. Although I am just headed to buy groceries, I would want myself to look presentable for other people as I don't want them to witness walking trash.

Anyway, I shove my front door keys in my pocket and race out the door.

I stood in the cold rainy October air as I wait at the bus stop. I stand next to a - rather tall - stranger, we both stand in silence as we wait.  I hear the sound of the rubber tires against the asphalt ground, I see the light grey smoke arising then soon enough the bus was in front of us.

We both hop on the bus, the stranger seems like he was in a hurry so I let him enter the bus first. I hop on and target towards my usual spot on the bus, no one ever sits there. My eyes examine the pattern of the bus floor, as I was nearing my seat I was surprised to see an unfamiliar pair of shoes. I look up and saw the stranger sitting on my spot; looking else where there was no more vacant seats. I sit down in defeat, I guess I have to deal with it.

A few minutes has passed of just listening to the engine, my temperature was starting to rise. I release my hair from their braids and I throw my hair up in a ponytail; in the corner of my eye I swear I saw him watch me. I brush my hand through my hair and lay back on my seat. 

Now that my hair wasn't covering my face, I could smell the cologne that the guy was using. It was quite strong if you were to ask my opinion, but I don't really mind.

I wanted to see how he looks like; I turned to my right to pretend look out the window, but before looking away I took a glance at his face, he noticed so we made eye contact. It wasn't really awkward but I felt a little bit uneasy about it.

I avert my eyes and face the other way. I display what I remember in my head:

A black hood was draped over his messy,curly hair, eyes that are so green, they seem intimidating yet inviting at the same time, a tall nose, and kind of bow shaped lips.. Hmm quite attractive may I say.

A few minutes have passed and I noticed something, every time the bus would take a turn he would purposefully lean on me. With this action, it's starting to make me feel weird vibes from him. I wouldn't deny the fact that he felt warm and I liked the smell of his perfume; but this is a stranger we talking 'bout. He also kept on looking at me every once in a while, I'm trying to pretend to not notice it but I'm staring to feel very uneasy.

He leaned more towards me and reached out his left arm; my eyes widen in panic, as my heart starts to palpitate. His hand grasped the pole and pressed the red button. The bus came to a halt and he rose from his seat. I let out a silent sigh of relief.

He has now exited the bus but he walked by the windows. He looked up at me and shot a creepy smirk in my direction. I couldn't help it, so just like reflex, flashed a smile back at him.

Anyways he's a stranger, I'll never see him again...

... Or will I?

[✔] Green Eyes || PJ LiguoriWhere stories live. Discover now