Chapter Seven

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I grasp a bowl of warm food as I bounce down the stairs towards the basement which holds Autumn. I swiftly unlock the door within seconds. The door creaks open, the high pitched sound bouncing around the room.

Autumn's back is facing me, I turn her and her chair around in one quick motion. I watch her as she's consumed by slumber. She hasn't stirred yet. I grasp her shoulders and shake her slightly. After numerous attempts and the information I have collected, she's unconscious but I'm not entirely sure why.

I sigh, picking her up bridal style. Walking up the stairs, I lightly kick the door but with not enough force to close it completely. Upon reaching the main area of the cabin I've built, I walk towards the guest room and gently set Autumn onto the mattress. I unbound her from the ropes that once restrained her hands and legs. As I was doing so, I've observed that her hands are rather cold so just like instinct, I take off my sweater and carefully slipped it on her petite body.

I saunter out the room and walk around the cabin, picking up multiple things: pain killers, her anxiety pills and a cup of water. I enter the room once more and set the things down onto the bedside table that is to the left of the bed.

I grab a chair and sit down by the bed. I examine her features, admiring every single detail. I rest against the wall next to me as I my eyelids begin to feel weighted. I give into tiredness and let my chamber of imagination takeover. 

If only I could tell her...

. . .

I am jolted awake by the sound of something dropping. As my eyes snap open, I'm met by Autumn looking down at the floor. I follow her gaze and saw an empty cup that once was filled with water. I let out a chuckle.

"How was your sleep?" I ask, no distinct detectable emotion from my voice. She looked weak and afraid. It pains me to see her like this, but I shall show no emotion. She opens her mouth slightly but nothing comes out. This signals me that her voice must be worn out or something. I pick up the cup and I walk off to the kitchen, refilling the cup and scooping a warm bowl of mash potatoes into a bowl.

I walk back into the room and I see her propping herself against the headboard. I guess this time she won't refuse to eat. I spoon a small amount on the piece of silverware and hold it up adjacent to her mouth. She leans forwards and takes the mash into her mouth and swallowing shortly after.

And this routine continues on until the bowl of mash is empty.

I hand her the cup of water before I exit the room to put away the bowl. I hear the bed creak from where I am standing. Stopping by the door frame, I see Autumn observing the sweater that I've put on her earlier. It looks huge in her. I restrain a smile as I walk back into the room. I sit down on the chair by the bed, she shifts towards the wall.

"Why exactly did you black out?" I ask her. She took a moment to reply as she held a straight, emotionless face.

"Anxiety; I get triggered easily with specific things." She said monotonously, looking at the artwork that is framed up on the wall.

"This whole situation isn't making it any better either." She took a quick glance at me

"But it sure is teaching me to be stronger." She finished, sighing as she scooted downwards and lifted the duvet over her shoulders. I look at her I silence, not sure if I want to say anything. So I got up and walked to the door of the bedroom. I take one last glance at her before turning away and closing the door.

If only she knew the truth...

[✔] Green Eyes || PJ LiguoriWhere stories live. Discover now