Chapter Five

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I finish my morning routine and pick up my penny board. I wanted to go to the park since I wasn't able to yesterday. I slip on my converse and untangled my hair out of my hair tie. I take one last look in the mirror and take a deep breath in. Something is making me feel quite anxious but I'm not entirely sure what.

I shake the feeling off and I step out my door, locking it before I dropped my board to the asphalt ground. I plug in my earphones and play one of Petit Biscuit's songs, he's one of the few musicians that can calm me through just instrumental music.

Hopping onto my board and pushing on the ground to make me speed faster. I loosen up as I cruise through the quiet neighborhood.

I have now reached the city, the ground is now smoother as though I'm just gliding through it on a cloud. The wind blows through my hair as wave of relaxation and freedom passes through me. I turn right, entering the gateway towards the park. I pass by the lake, I watch the scenery in front of me in awe as the sun reflects off the water.

This looks and feels really familiar..

Breathe in,

Breathe out.

I begin to wobble on my penny board as I try to regain my breathing pace, I'm beginning to have an anxiety attack. I drag my foot on the ground making my board come to a halt. I keel over and rest my palms on my knees, my vision is starting to plague with black dots.


The wind blows through my hair and I am greeted by a wave of relaxation and freedom. I turn, entering the gateway towards the park. I pass by the lake, beholding the pretty scenery in front of me as the sun reflects off the water.

My vision turns hazy, my balance seems to be decreasing by the second as I am wobbling. Loud claps of thunder follow behind me, I turn around and I see a large grey cloud following a few feet back. I quicken up the pace but no avail, I am caught by the grey cloud.

*Flashback over*

I gasp. I grab my board and run, not trusting myself on wheels.

tap, tap, tap

I hear a set of footsteps behind me. My knees tremble in fear, I dare not to look back but keep on running even if I feel like my body is about to give up any time soon. My vision is almost entirely black but I could see just enough to know I wont run into someone or something.

I can't do it..

My knees buckle, I fall to the ground with a thud making me drift in and out of consciousness. I feel someone cover my nose and mouth with a piece of cloth.

Once again, I am claimed by the familiar face of darkness..

. . .

tap, tap, tap

I regain consciousness but I don't open my eyes. My awareness has risen, my arms and legs are restrained by rope and I'm sat down on a chair, head down with my hair covering my face.

tap, tap, tap

I hear a pair of footsteps circling around me. I wait until they are behind me, I open my eyes quickly scanning the room and closing them right before they walk in front of me. I lay out what I remember in my head:

I am sat in the middle of a really dark room that is lit up with a single dangling light bulb, a few shelves to my right and a really old mattress to my left. It seems like a basement and there probably is a door behind me.

I am dragged out of my train of thoughts with the stranger pulling my head back with my hair. I make a really loud gasp, my eyes snapping open. A really deep chuckle erupts from the mouth of the stranger; with the small information gathered, the stranger is a man.

He walks in front of me, his hood is up and with the bad lighting not doing any justice, I couldn't see his face.

"Ah, Autumn, you're awake at last" the man spoke up. Fear greets me in the worst way possible, how does he know my name?

"Did you sleep well?" He raises his head, I could see some shadows on his face but not completely.

"Who are you." I said monotonously, showing no fear even if every single part of my body is trembling. He stands still,

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I scream, my ear wrenching voice bounces around the room. He doesn't seem fazed. He let's out another sickening chuckle, shaking his head.

"The less you know the better," He pauses, stepping backward slightly. He pulls down the hood and stares at me. I restrain a gasp,


I wanted to see how he looks like; I turned to my right to pretend look out the window, but before looking away I took a glance at his face, he noticed so we made eye contact. It wasn't really awkward but I felt a little bit uneasy about it.

I avert my eyes and face the other way. I display what I remember in my head:

A black hood was draped over his messy,curly hair, eyes that are so green, they seem intimidating yet inviting at the same time, a tall nose, and kind of bow shaped lips...

*Flashback over*

Those features are an exact match to the guy I saw at the bus stop. My breathing pace quickens, he steps forward, standing right in front of me. Five inches is the only thing separating our knees, looking down at me with his piercing green eyes

"But for now, call me PJ." He raises his hood and walks behind me. I hear a door creak open and slam close.

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