Chapter Nine

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"Hey Autumn, can you come here please?" PJ calls in the living room. I put down the book he gave me earlier onto the bed and walk over to him. My feet soundlessly walk on the wooden floor of the cabin as I approach PJ.

"What's up?" I ask him while I look at his clothes, he seems to be going somewhere. He slips on a coat and stands by the door.

"I'll be leaving for a while to go and get some things. Don't try to escape because every single corner of this house is locked up and no possible way off getting out unless you have a key." He said.

"I also checked your hair for hairpins and removed all of them and disposed every single one." he added once more. I just silently nodded. He nods as well and begins to unlatch the five locks that is on the door, soon enough he re-locked it and left the cabin.

Maybe I should look around for a spare key, I could use this time to try to leave...

And that's exactly what I'm doing. I go back into the room I was in and look through the drawers for socks so that there would be no visible footprints on the wooden floor. I look at the bottom drawer and saw a huge collection of socks that vary in design. I pick two random ones and slip them on. I go and look at the obvious places such as under the legs of a table, mats, behind books but I am still empty handed.

After a few more minutes of searching, I am still unsuccessful. However, there is only one place where I haven't looked yet: PJ's room. I hesitate as I stand in the middle of the mini corridor to his bedroom. If I won't do it now, I might get caught. 

Breathe in,

Breathe out.

I take not one more second to contemplate, I march to his room and begin to look around. I target to the desk to the right corner of his room, opening both drawers at the same time. I reach my hand to the back and I am met by a cold metal object. Hope sparks through my body and I grasp it in my hand. I close the drawer and quickly head for the door.

I shakily hold the key in my right hand as I am standing by the door. I insert the key and slowly twist. 


It doesn't work.

I look out the window and see a silhouette approaching the cabin. It's not any silhouette though, it belongs to PJ. Realization hits me a second later and I make a run for it to his bedroom. I quickly pull the drawer back and just throw the key in. After pushing the drawer back close, something caught my eye; a brown box with a lock. Maybe that's what the key is for.

My train of thoughts is disturbed by the rattling of keys. I speed out the door and run into mine, catapulting my body onto the bed just in time.

"I'm home!" PJ said in a sing-song voice. I giggle at him.

I hurriedly take off the socks and hide them under the blanket before I walked out the room to find PJ unloading his bag. Bags of chips, crackers, sandwiches.. Hmm aren't they meant to be in a plastic bag?  

"So.. how much did you pay for all this?" I asked him in fake curiosity. He looked nervous the second the question left my lips. He scratched the back of his neck,

"Uhh I don't remember.." He trailed off, not looking at me. 

"Did you even pay for it?" I asked. Well he kinda is a criminal. I think. So it wouldn't really surprise me if he stole.

"Maybe.." He said as he sheepishly smiled at me. I just chuckled at him in response. I knew it..

. . .

"Autumn?" PJ's voiced echoed down the hall from his bedroom. He sounds rather angered.

Oh no..

I walk to his room, bracing myself for the worst that could happen. I see him standing up, facing the wall as his hands are rested on the desk, his breathing pace is quicker than usual. He suddenly turns around and walks towards me, I back up from his sudden movements. He towers in front of me by a few inches. 

I examine his face. Anger is oozing from every single detail. I bounce my gaze from both his eyes; they're fully dilated.

"Does this look familiar to you?" He said in poorly tamed anger as he held up a key. I observe the key; it's the key I found in his drawer. My heart begins to race as I swallow a lump in my throat. I drop my stare to the floor in guilt. 

There's no point in lying anymore, isn't there?

"I can't believe this" He said as he threw the key across the room. I flinch. 

"Why do you want me here anyway?" I say, a sudden boost of confidence has come upon me. He's taken aback by my words.

"Why are you doing this? For money? Fear?" I spit out continuously. 

"Come on, tell me. Why do you want me her-" 

"Do you want to know why I kidnapped you?!" He cut me off, he's clearly pissed.

"Yes." I said stepping back. I lock eyes with him, silence consuming the environment.

Show no fear Autumn, show no fear..

"I'm the boy at your window." he said, breaking the silence. 

"Wh-what?" I stutter in shock as I take a step back from him. That's impossible.

"I'm the boy at your window from 17 years ago. My mother abandoned me in front of your house, I saw your parents fighting so after walking around your house I saw you crying. As instinct I went to comfort you." he paused and took in a shaky breath.

"When I saw you at the bus stop all of the memories started flooding back to me, the moment my eyes landed on you I knew it was.. you. I didn't want to be separated from you again so I went out of my way to try to get you back into my company." he begins to tear at this point.

"T-this is not po-possible" I bump into the wall behind me. Disbelief is overpowering my thoughts. 

"It is Autumn. Your mother lied about your schizophrenia. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't recognize them." He said, stepping towards me. I did as he said and met him in the middle as I stepped forward as well.

And there it was; a brown spot at the top part of his right eye. These are the pair of eyes that helped me through my childhood.


 "Your eyes look so pretty," I say as I lean forward to observe the boy's eyes closer. 

"Eh, not really. There's a brown spot at the top of my right eye, I never really know why but it's always been there." he said. I never really asked for the boy's name, mainly because I never really thought of it as he was just 'the boy' in my head.

"No, the brown spot just makes it unique." I said with a smile as I go back to my original position and resume to read the book that was in my hands.

*Flashback over*

My brain was telling me to hug him. But do you know what I did?

I ran to the other room.

I quickly locked the door and lean my back against it. Tears coat my eyes, caused by sadness, anger and betrayal. 

"Open up, Autumn!" PJ banged on my door. My knees weakened making me slide down the door. I let the tears cascade down my face as I let the cluster of emotions take over me.

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