Battle Stations Part 19

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Jack was right

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Jack was right. The slaver docked in the harbor began moving out within five minutes and in ten minutes, just before we exited the harbor, it was under full sail. The die was now cast, there would be a battle. They would catch us sometime in the next hour, I reckoned.

I was at the helm doing my utmost to avoid the large waves coming directly at us - in other words I tried to slice through them rather than hitting them head on which would slow the ship considerably. The slaver was definitely gaining on us. Jack and Morris were out on deck positioning the darkies behind barrels and bales of cotton and other possible obstacles to protect them from the inevitable cannon fire and musket shot. There was plenty of ammunition and guns thanks to Captain Pendelton who was also privately in the gun-running business. Each darkie had three loaded muskets and four loaded pistols, a considerable advantage for someone who knew how to use them in rapid-fire succession. 

Jack saw Mauricia and America with similar weapons hiding, not from the slaver, but from Jack. "Alright, we need you down in the hold. If any of the slaver scum come down the ladder into the hold we need you to shoot them and then shoot Pendleton. Don't let them take you alive, they'll take turns raping you before stringing you up somewhere as a warning to anyone considering a slave revolt in these waters. Let's get below, ladies and take your weapons."

"But Jackie ..."

"No. No. Go now and don't make me have my crew drag you down and locked up for your own good. Now get!" Jack said menacingly.

 Now get!" Jack said menacingly

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