19. Realising What He Did Not Know

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this chapter is particularly longer but i really need you guys to read all the way because although it may not seem like much, chapter 19 is vital to #nalas , thank ya for reading <33333333

=6:56pm, 27th February 2016=

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this."

"It's fine. Just make sure you don't expose yourself."

"Wow, such intelligent advice."

"Why are you coming anyway?"

"To make sure he doesn't do anything of course."

"You should be in bed, Silas. It's two a.m in the morning in London. Plus you're still sick."

"I am very flattered that you're concerned but will you just let me make sure you're okay. God knows what's behind that stuttering voice."

"Fine, fine. I'm just walking to his house now."

"His house?! Naya do you not understand the basic conducts of safety? Rule number one: Never go to a man's house at night when you've only spoken to him for 5 minutes!"

"Silas, calm down. It's just for two hours. In and out, simple."

"Gah, I just can't believe I'm not there to stop you from this."

[Naya knocks onto the teak door of a rather decent looking house.]

"They got a nice place; panel sized windows, marble floored porch."

"Serial killer characteristic one. Check."

"Everything I say is just going to make you label him as a mad man so I should really just shut up."


"Naya, I'm so glad you came."

"Yeah, hi there..."

"You didn't really give her a choice with all your stuttering, Tom."

"Shut up."


"Sorry, it's nothing. The music is a little loud and I tend to talk to the music a lil bit?"

"Way to go, sweetheart."

[Naya points to the earpiece that's supposed to be her communication with Silas and takes it off.]

"Oh, okay." [Tom stares strangely for a second but shakes it off.] "Please, please. Come in."

[She stepped into the cozy, homely house that had warm lights pouring into every nook and cranny.]

"Nice house."

"Thanks. My dad inherited it from my Grandmother years ago."


"Look how much you're turning her off. You can hear it in her voice!"

"I loved her a lot, my grandma. Ever since she died, we moved in here to remember her, you know?"

"Sure... I mean not about your grandma but my grandpa died when I was a kid too. She sounds like a nice woman."

[Silas kept silent, too silent, just as though he'd realised something.]

"Yeah she was. She's the one who supported me to go to med school even though my parents wouldn't allow it. They said it was too expensive and all that."

"Well it is pretty expensive. My parents were not always supportive as well, we used to argue about it all the time."

"Still, you've turned out to be an amazing doctor. I, on the other hand, have so much to catch up on."

"Then you better start revising because the next test is really important."

"I've got you, haven't I?
Anyways, enough with all the seriousness, let's get studying!" [Tom said with an exuberant voice, pumping his fist a little in the air, making Naya laugh at his odd antics.]

[But after a second, Naya is triggered by the first sentence, recognising the man who had first voiced those exact same words.]

"Hey, Tom? Is it okay if I use your bathroom real quick?"

"Sure, it's right down the hall to your left."


[With haste, she entered the bathroom, locking its door to see if Silas was still on the line.]

"Silas? Sorry if I didn't respond in a while. Tom just kept talking about his family and instinctively I continued  and-"

"Wait, are you even on the call?"

[Naya unlocks her phone to find that the call is still ongoing but there is no response from Silas.]

"Earth to Lancaster? Are you there?"

[After a few seconds of intense listening, she could hear a muffled, beastly snoring and Naya laughs- a lot harder than Tom could ever make her.]



WOOO OK SO if you didn't get that reference where tom says "I've got you, haven't I?" It's from chapter 12 so check that out if ya wanna refresh :)

chapter 20 is going to be real sweet and it'll be up soon so stay tune lmao

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