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Disclaimer...quote belongs to J.K. Rowling and others belong to various authors (from Criminal Minds)

Emma Bloom's POV

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light.
They say we live most of our lives in our heads, so we should make it a nice place to be.

I have coulrophobia. It's a fear of clowns.


"Emma, what are you doing?" They whisper, their snow white faces staring down at me. They dance up the hill and I chase them. The hill turns into a mountain and the clowns are jumping out everywhere. There's a sea of them trampling the mountain into flat ground. "Emma, we're coming!" 100000 of them sing in unison.

They prance in circles around me kicking their knobbly knees up high into the air. I begin to scream, for Miss Peregrine. She's the only one I know to protect me. They approach with sharp, corregated knives.

I wake to Miss P shaking me awake, saying it's ok.

"Emma its okay'll be fine. Calm down there are no clowns, none..," She comforts, swaying slightly. In her arms I sob, uncontrollably I wonder about clowns and wights and all the times Miss Peregrine nearly got killed. Imagine if she had been! Who would do this for us? Who would protect us against the world. For the world is a dangerous thing to a girl only sees beauty. The earth is far from beautiful.

She brings me downstairs and makes me hot coco.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

Her curls are tumbling down her back and her nightgown is brushing against her blueish feet. Slowly I nod.

"Clowns were going up a hill and so I chased them. Then the hill turned into a mountain and the clowns started pouring out of the cracks in the rocks. Their big feet then, turned the ground flat again. They were dancing around me, 100s of them. And then, all at the same time they said "Emma we are coming to get you" or something like that." I say.

"It's alright. You'll be safe here. No matter what,"

And no matter what Miss Peregrine always makes everything better.

Thank you to my fantastic readers and followers. This was inspired by the creepy clown prank. This has made me absolutely terrified to be anywhere alone unless I'm at home. I'm really really terrified of clowns. onepeculiarchild also helped inspire this. Hope you liked it 😊

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