Cold and broken

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Emma's POV
She clutches our arms and pushes us behind her. Miss Peregrine takes the crossbow from it's rack and aims it above the shadow. She shoots, she hits her mark. Then more clumping follows after the last set of heavy footsteps. Again she hits the hollowgast.

The 3rd one moves too fast for her arrows and it throws her off her feet and into the wall and onto the floor, where she lays motionless.

I scream and run to Miss Peregrine. She stirs slightly and I shake her gently. Then a hand grabs my collar and yanks me off the ground. I whip my head around to see a wight, 6 ft tall and solid female.

She grins and points up to Hugh, who is held high in the air by a hollow, his whimpers fill the room.

"MISS PEREGRINE!!" I scream, efficiently waking her. She takes the crossbow and looks around for a shadow. She, again, hits her mark and runs to catch Hugh as he tumbles down.

The female wight groans in frustration. Her hollows have been killed, she only has herself now. Miss P looks at the wight, glaring.

"Give her to me and I can help you. I'll let you on your way and help you to get what you need. Just give me Emma," she says firmly.

What is Miss P doing? She would help a wight?

"No, you would never help me!," the wight cries.

Miss P nods and raises her bow and fires.

I run into her arms and hug her, tears falling.

"Emma, it's're okay now," she whispers "Now come on, let's get you cleaned up,"

She looks into my eyes and helps me to the kitchen, smiling.

Yay! I finally updated. Sorry for the wait, I have been in a bad state of mind for a little while. Unfortunately I can't promise updates everyday, sorry!

Love you all, thanks for sticking with me!


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