Catching Feelings (short-story)

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I am right back to where I started. From square 1. Nothing. Nothing to help me through all of this bullshit called life. James was at it again. But this time he went a little to far. How  in the hell did you break into someones house and trash it. Then tell me to stay away. SERIOUSLY?!?! He's an asshole. I guess I have to do one thing. Something I didn't want to go back to.


"Can you keep him for me?" I asked Trish could she watch John for me. I really needed a friend at this time, but I couldn't. I have to fight a guy that I used to love and now hate. 

Fuck my Life.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"I'll be back sweetheart before you know it. okay?"

John just nodded. It's not like I won't see him again. 


"I promise. I will be back for you. For both of you." I said looking at Trish and John. 

"Including Craig....... I will be back for all of you."

"P-p-promise?" John said. He looked me straight in the eyes. I hugged and kissed him on his forehead.

"I promise."

Damn. That's a promise that I should have never made.

I started to walk out the house. 

"YN!!!!" Trish yelled.

She ran up to me and gave me a hug. It was so tight. I felt her love.

"Be careful okay? YN, he might have changed. You don't know what he has planned."

I just stood there for a really good long 15 seconds and looked at her and my surroundings. I am going to miss this place that's my home.

(MMy surroundings when I leave the house)------->

"Bye." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and another hug.

I walked out the house. Didn't look back. If I loved somebody, and another person was going after them, I will defend them. Like going into 'Mother Bear' mode. Dang. I love Craig. It's been 3 months since I have seen him. AND I just met him. How can I....I mean...I love him. And I lost him. Well, technically, he lost me. But, it's NOT my fault. I have to leave my friends, my sister, Craig, and my son. MY SON. Only to fight his fucking father out of my life. Well OURS. I can't wait to get back home when I am done ripping James's head off. I will make it back to my family, and Craig. And showing my feelings. My true feelings about him. BUT.......James wants war. War he can have.

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