Hold on....

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"Mom, can I go to my dad's house?" John came downstairs to ask me.

"Sure , Why not?"

"Plea---Wait really?"

"Yeah. It's not Like I DONT need help with anything, since I am pregnant and all."

"Okay mom. Thanks. He's coming to pick me up today."

"Why today?"

"Because I called him."


"I wanted to spend time with him."

UGGHHH!!! I hate when he does things last minute. It's annoying.

"Sure, go get your stuff."

John ran back upstairs excited and eager. I just sat on the couch watching American Horror story on Netflix eating Snickers ice cream.

~5 hours later~ ~8 pm~

I was just falling alseep when I felt something warm on my legs and feet. I was tired but I managed to sit up and look. It was just really wet. I didn't pay no mind to it. I just thought I must have been laying on the wrong side and peed. Pregnancy.

As soon as I went to get up and wash off, my phone ranged. It was Craig. I walked back to the bed to answer it.

YN- Hello

Craig- Hey, What you doing?

YN- Was sleeping, but I had to clean off.

Craig- Oh. Okay. Well we made it in Cali, and we will be at a hotel tonight.

YN- That's stupid.

Craig- Why? What's stupid?

YN- Because, why can't you com home with me.

Craig- Because we are not on that side of town.

YN- Oh, okay.

Craig- But we are a few minutes away.

YN- Okay.

Craig- Well goodnight. Call me if you need something.

YN- Will do. Love you.

Craig- Love you too. bye.

I hanged up the phone and a spiked pain came to my stomach. I tried to get off the bed but fell back lightly on the bed. I screamed in pain. It was little pricks at a time. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me until I thought about it. My water broke. 

I couldn't drive since I was having contractions. So I called 911 and they said they were on their way. They made it here in like five minutes.  The perks of living in a white neighborhood.

I picked up my phone and the paramedics helped me up and put me inside the abulance. 

There it goes again....another sharp spasm.

I yelled and one of the paramedics grabbed my hand. Thank god. Because gritting my teeth wasn't helping.

I arrived at the hospital and they rushed me straight into a room. I tried to breathe, but these contractions were making me feelin like I was dying. One of the nurses said I was diliating 8 centimeters. Whatever that means. I just want this damn baby out of me.

"Is the father here." One of the nurses asked.

"No, my dad died when I was fourteen years old." I told him.

"No, I meant the father of the baby."

"Crap. Umm can you hand me my phone so I can give you the number to call him. Please."

He handed me my phone and I dialed his number for the nurse. I could tell Craig was scared and surprised because the nurse was on the phone with him forever. I was feeling tired but then another cramp. This time I felt like crying. But I am strong. But hell, not in this situtation. I cried really loud after I screamed. The nurse told me I needed to breathe, but that wasn't helping. Well maybe a little.

I guess the nurse kind of figured that I was in a lot of pain so she tried to give me an Epidural. The doctor came in and stopped him. I was too far into giving birth that I couldn't have the medicine. 


It felt like fifteen minutes past, and I was already starting to push. Not voluntarily. I wasn't trying to push because Craig wasn't here yet. WAT IS TAKING HIM SO LOONG!!! OUCH OUCH OUCHY.

Finally, I felt someone grab my hand. It was CRAIG!!! Wearing scrubs? 


"I had to put on these." He said pointing at the his clothes.

"But I am here now, and I love you, and we will get through this." He said.

I couldn't argue. Plus, I was in too much pain, I felt like giving up. So I started to push again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.


"We have here, a healthy boy." 

"Oh My god. He's beautiful. What's all the red stuf---" (BAM!!!) Craig said. Then fainted. 


"Craig? Craig? Honey, Craig? What happened?"

"He fainted. It happens a lot." One of the nurses said.

"Well can someone wake him u-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"

What the hell was that??

"HOLD ON!! I think we have another one." The doctor said.


To be continued....

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